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Hi everyone!! O.K this is a SAD,SAD letter to all Hanson-Haters. But before you go and read what Tay has said i want to say what i think of Hanson Haters.

I think you people should disgusted with yourselves. What have they ever done to deserve this attitude from you huh???What is to hate they're doing what they want to do and they're having fun...what's your problem??? Is it because thye're doing better than you are? Is it because your a jealous naive person??Is it because you just can't handle that someone's better than you huh?? What good reason do you have to hate them?? Is it because of their hair?? It's not like they're the only three guys in the world that have long hair millions of guys have long hair and i don't see them being teased or having hate sites made about them!! I truly think that it is disgusting how some people react to someone who is doing better than they are.I have nothing else to say except that if you don't have a good reason to hate someone you should be ashamed of yourself.

Here's Tay's letter to all Hanson-Haters:

I don't usually write on these message boards or in guestbooks or where ever, but this is a little out of hand.What's your problem?We don't shop at Wal-Mart, and if we would,what's the big deal?On the MTV Movie Awards i said that our mom dropped us off on the way to Wal-Mart because it was a line.I'm not dyslexic either.That was really embarassing.I was nervous,and i'd appreciate t if you'd all shut up about it.Why do you people hate us?I mean,it's fine if you do,but please hate us for our music not our looks.We like the way we look or else we'd change it.Have you heard all of our music?If not,then please try to listen to it.Tjere are a lot of people who hate MMMBop and love our other songs.We're not gay so stop saying that.If you hate us get decent reasons to hate us.To all our fans,i'm going to repeat mainly what i said to the haters.Please like us for our music and not our looks. Later, Tay
