Halloween ^_^

Having fun in costume.


Hay drew a cute lil chibi pic of the Omen crew, and since we went as our Omen char's for haloween. . here ya go :P

Me And Russ

Me and Russ hanging out by a lion. All gothy eh?


I look like im trancing or something heehee.


Just hanging out on the stairs.


More Liony Fun.


Here's Josh's char, I helped him with his hair and makeup ^_^ We were just hanging around at the gay bar =oP


er, I was actually trying a punch battle ready type of stance, but it came out looking like this. =oP


We had fun editing our battle scene pics >_>


er, private joke =oP

Yeah . .

You know she wants me. ^_^

er. .

Hayley made me =oP


See Josh had to do it too :P


Showing off the spiffy cloak my mum helped me make ^_^.


This is a scene where Luna turns evil and rips out Questa's heart, but >_> we never got around to editing it. =oP


I guess she doesnt want her heart ripped out <_<


Looks real dun it ^_^ just er, ignore the smile. =oP


A good shot of her wingy things. .. Questa is an awful lot like Rikku from FFX =oP


Dude it was freezing out there >_> seriously.

Battle Stance

And they fight.


Is that a Light Saber in your pocket or are you just happy to see me ;o)


More Sabery goodness

yeah. .

You get the idea . . >_>


*hiss* how dare he attack me

Ooh Sparkly

Lookit my spiffy magick! and there Peter! (Its a bird. .its a plane.. its. . a fish?)

Hail Moo Moo mafia!

Err. . just imagine a legion of evil folk wearing moomoo's. . .moo=cow, blah, you had to be there =oP

More Cow goodness

O-o she thought the cow actually moo'd *giggles* freak =oP


Yeah, uh, Peter looks like Harry Potter so. . yeah. . Thats him *points to fish*


You really want me to explaine more? >_>

Jack O's

Like our ghetto arse jack o lanters? we were tired :P

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