My Virtual Art Gallery
The Lost Care Bears
Ever wonder about those not so well known care bears? Well heres a few of em. =o) |
Tramp Bear
Tramp Bear and her closest pal Pimp Bear out for a stroll. Just a couple more of those lost bears. |
Naughty Smurf
My good old buddy Naughty Smurf. . makes ya wondering what he was doing moments before eh? or perhaps what he's about to do. Watch out Smurfett! |
Attack Of The Rats
Starring the Gelfing and Ariana, a B-movie horror flick, about a ship full of radio-active rats that landed on earth from somewhere past mars. |
Elmo's Revenge
He was a happy adorable lil fuzzy creature, until the kids just pushed him TOO far. "I SAID that tickles!!" *psycho music* |
Sailor Questa!
It's the lil known Sailor Scout, Sailor Questa, spending some quality time with Chibo Tuxedo Mask and their pal Luna. |
The Black Dawn
I've recently become slighty obsessed with Joseph Linser's "Dawn" This is me showing my appreciation of good art. |