Eyes in the Darkness

Dedicated to my Guardian Angel, Jake Bierans, Ill never forget you moncher.

Her eyes gazed upon Krishna. Those eyes as blue as the bluest waters. Eyes as dark as nyte, and seem to contain the stars. There was the knowledge of the universe in those eyes. yet, he had the countanence of a child.

His seemingly naive smile beamed as his eyes fell upon Makita, Kita to her friends. "Hello, my child. Can I help you?" His voice was magestic. Kita guessed that he did not need the flute he held in his right hand to make the beautiful music that inspired so many.

Hesitantly the young girl took a step forward. "Doest mine eyes decieve me?? Are thine truely the one Lord Krishna?"

The beautiful man before her merely bowed slightly. with a pleasant smile. "Did you approach me simply to ask a question you already knew the answer to, or would you like something of me?"

Kita's cheeks grew red as she blushed. "I just wanted to meet you." She smiled sheepishly. "So many questions, may I ask them?"

Krishna spread his arms with a slight nod. "If you wish." When his eyes returned tto her face a mischevious smile was plastered on his face. "But again I ask, why ask questions that you already know tha nswers too?"

The young girl was confused by his remarks. With an unsure smile she said, "Lord Krishna, yoou don't even know what my questions are, lett alone if I know their answers. So how can you possibly make such a comment??"

The old soul standing before her tapped Kita on the nose with his flower with childish innocence. "Silly child, the heart contains all the answers." He thought a moment then added, "at least those that matter."

Kita brightened, eyes turned toward the stars above dreamily. "Thats so beautiful." Regaining a respectful manner, she glanced at Krishna's flute. "I dont mean to impose," The girl whispered tentatively, "But would you play for me?"

Krishna raised his flute and beamed like a chld who just learned to tie his shoes for the first time. "But, of course." He blew into the flute and the air he put in came out as beautiful music. Each note affected Kita in a differant way. First love, then fear, thensorrow, then content. The feelings all mingled in a serene tapistry of life.

When the song had ended Kita realized her eyes were lightly closed, her head tilted to the sky, and most surprising of all her arms were open to the heavens. She lowered her arms and glanced at Krishna, slightly embarressed. "That was beautiful."

Krishna beamed. He looked her over then nodded, saticefied with what he saw. "you, too, make music, but yours is with words." He saw the confusion on her face and took her hand as he started to walk toward the river. He knelt and motioned for her to do the same. As he waved his hand over the water he said, "Kita, look, do you see what I see?"

Kita looked in the water. "I see fish."

This made Krishna laugh. "No, I mean there." He pointed to her reflection. "The girl, do you see her?"

Kita looked again. "It's me." She said with a shrug. "merely the reflection of a peasant girl." She shook her head baffled and looked at Krishna questioningly. "I don't see what that has to do with music."

Krisha dripped his hand in the water and flicked the water at her playfully. "I see a girl with the universe in her eyes. Always questions unasked, but wonders explored. I see a sotry teller."

Kita's eyes opened in wonder. "A story teller? Me?" She rolled her eyes wistfully. "that would be wonderful, but. . . "

Krishna held up a haand to silence her. "There are no buts. You will write your stories."

Kita actually laughed out loud at that suggestion. "I can't write, I dont know how."

The serene master was not upset, bu this outburst. He merely nodded his head in acknowledgement and said, "You will learn."

"But, My Lord," He looked at her. "Girls are forbidden to lear to read and write. Surely you know of the decree."

Krishna bestowed upon Kita an all-knowing smile. "Perhaps for now, you will not be able to learn to read and write. But one day you will. It is destined." He splashed her with water again and stood up. "For now, keep your stories in your heart, remember them, and keep your music alive." He lifted his flute to her. "However, if you wish to learn my music, I will teach you." Kita's face lit up delyte.

Kita, the serene expression still on her face was thrust from her remeniscencing. "Pardon me miss, I didnt mean to. . . " The youngmanoffered his hand to help Kita up. Once up she knelt down to help him gather his papers. "I'm sorry, it's just that Im late for class."

Once the papers were up they stood facing each other. The handsome stranger gazed into her violet eyes, amazed by there beauty. She smiled politely, still caught up in the kolidascope of emotions from the memories. "It's quite all right, I should have been paying attention." She gestured towards the painting of Krishna. "But, this painting is so beautiful. It capture's Krishna magnificiently."

The young man studied her oddly. "You can tell it's Krishna?" She looked back to him and nodded. He chuckled. "I'm surprised. I didn't have much to work with. Mostly stories and mythes. I didnt want to look at the other rendiscions of him and become biased with thier interpretations."

Now, she studied him, mouth slightly agape. "You mean, you painted this?!?" He nodded modestly. But, your so young." He blushed and looked down at his feet. "I dont mean. . uh. . what I meant was. . . I thouight it was a very ould painting.. I thought surely the artist who painted this had met the great Lord Krishna himself."

The man chuckled. "Maybe, in a differant life."

Kita looked thoughtfully at the young man, then back at the painting. "Maybe."

The young artist smiled embarressed, not wanting to break the moment. "Look miss. . . ?"

"Donovan." She said offering her hand. "Makita Donovan. My friends call me Kita."

He accepted her hand. "What a lovely name, Miss Donovan."

"Kita, please."

Blood rose too his cheeks. "Kita, look, I dont mean to be rude, but I'm late for class." He pointed in the direction he had been runnning when they collided.

She glanced that way to see students dissapearing into a room. "Oh, of course. I'm sorry. When your class ends I would like to talk to you about purchasing this painting, however. Ok, mister. . .?"

"Salgrove. Jake Salgrove. Please call me Jake." He gave her a polite smile before rushing off to class.

Kita curled her lips slyly at the door Jake Salgrove just slipped through. He thinks he'll never see me again. Now won't he be surprised."

"Ok class, today we are going to study curves and shadows. To aid you in this I have mananged to procure us a model for drawing gowns." Mr. Pier Fransua seemed pleased by his own actions. It wasn't often when this poorly founded art class could get a model. Pier usually had his students concentrate on inadimate objects. However, some of his pupils, such as Jake Salgrove, put people in their landscapres anyway.

At the moment Jake was thinking about that strange girl, Kita, what a name and if he'd ever see her again. He slowly came out of his thoughts when he realized the room befell an awed hush. All eyes were on the front of the room.

When Jake followed the stares of his classmates, his jaw dropped a couple inches. "Kita?" He whipsered to no one inparticular. The radiant young women standing up front gazed at him with a smile. Such a beautiful smile she had. It was a knowing smile. Then she winked and looked away.

Kita was lovely with her long black hair resting on the white goddess gown she wore. The low cut dress showed her figure to be slender and curvey. The off the shoulder sleeves drew attention to her sloping milky white shoulders. And standing at 5'9, her legs were long and graceful, depicted by the way the gown pressed agianst her legs and billowed out behind her as she walked.

Miss Donovan was directed to a couch of sorts in the middle of the small platform. All eyes still on her, she arranged herself according to Pier Fransua's direction. When Kita was settled, her dress spread over the edge of the couch ,the class got to work on their paintings.

When class, finally ended and everyone got up to stretch, Makits walked over to Jake's station. "Thought you'd never see me again, didn't you?" She asked politely, raising an eyebrow.

Jake opened his mouth to protest, then thought about it. Figuring it wouldnt hurt her feelings, he told her the truth. "I am a bit surprised of your apperance." He admitted.

She walked aroound to the other side of the easal. "You do me justice. I only wish that I were truely as lovely as that." Jake was about to disagree, but Kita stopped him with a wave of her hand. "Perhaps I'll purchase this one as well." She stopped and glanced at him, then back at the painting. "When it's finished of course." At the moment the painting consisted only of her and the seat, and by the expression on his face, she could tell Jake wanted to work on even that a little more.

Jake asked in surprise, "You still want to buy my painting?"

Kita laughed. "Of course I still want to buy it. You think I'd change my mind with in a few hours?" It was a rhetorical question, she didnt expect an answer. "How much do you want for the painting of Krishna?" A troubling thought crossed her mind. "I'm being presumptious, I apologize. Is it for sale?"

Jake wasnt sure what to think about this women. "I. . uh. . well. . I guess so." He stammered. "Its not NOT for sale." He considered. "I guess a few hundred would be ffair for the painting of an unknown artist."

Makita was appauled. "That painting is worth much more than that, and I will not deprieve you of proper funding." She debated a moment. "Ten thousand dollars at least." When she saw the stunned look on Jake's face, she knew he was going to argue. She stopped him. Putting a hand on his, she said softly, but firmly, "I insist."

Mr. Fransua walked over and patted the young man on the back. "Congradulations Mr. Salgrove." He turned to the women and shook her hand. "And I commend you madame muiselle on your impecable taste and sense of morality." He sighed. "I must, however, kick you both out so I can lock up in here."

Jake packed up his belongings and Kita went to get her bag. She returned, with her bag slung over one shoulder like a high school kid, and they walked out together. "You are very talented you know." He blushed and averted his eyes. "Truely an artist like you comes along but once in a century. Believe me, I know." He looked back, puzzled at the last comment, but she wasnt paying attention to him anymore.

Something by the door eld Kita's full attention. No, not something, someone. Leaning against one of the outside pillars was a man. In the darkness his features were not solid and hard to figure out. The bad thing about taking nyte classes was having to walk home in the dark. "Kita, do you know him?"

She blinked and turned to face him. "Do I know who?" Jake looked back and the dark figure was gone.

Once outside and in the fresh nyte air Jake took a deep breathe and stared at the door. Just like Kita had said, nobody was there. I could have sworn. . .

Jake's thought trailed of as they approached a car. A sleek white convertable. Kita stopped at the door and pulled out her keys. "Would you like a ride?" She asked, turning towards him.

"Well, i dont live far from here." Jake's refusal had no conviction as he thought of the long walk home in the dark. There's a lot of psycho's in this town. He thought then eyed her wearily. She stood where she was watching him, seeming to sense his indecision. Jake decided that if she was crazy, she'd still be better than some of the other demented people he could run into. He shrugged. "Well. . . If you don't mind."

Kita smiled. "Not at all. I would very much like to discuss with you the purchase of your painting." She unlocked her door, got in and unlocked his side. Jake climbed in and put on his seat belt just as she was starting the car. "Where do you live?"

Jake gave her directions. They drove in relative silence sespite her assertion that she would like to discuss business. They pulled into the driveway and came to a stop. She put the car in park and looked at him.

Jake was unsure of what to do now. Should he as for her number? Would she misinterpret the action if he asked? Should he give her his number? While he silently debated these questions he became increasingly aware of her eyes on him.

Kita knew the boy was uncomfortable and trying to decide what to do next. She considered just giving him her number and leaving bussiness for another day. After what she saw earlier, she was unselttled and had to think. But she was also reluctant to go home just yet. Afraid of what she may find there. Besides she was drawn to this guy.

She watches him, soaking in his every feature. Jake was a good looking young man. He looked about twenty maybe twenty one. Long ashy blond hair, startlingly blue eyes. He had a strong builed. His muscles combined with his height of 6'1 wonderfully.

Finally Kita decided that she would like a cup of coffee. "Jake dear, I dont suppose I could have a glass of water?" She gave a little cough for affect.

Jake didnt really care what happened next, though he did want to get to know this enigmatic women better. He was mostly just greatful that he didnt have to decide. Witth a pleasant smile he replied, "Sure, come on in, I can make some coffee if you'd like."

Kita followed Jake to the door and studied him as he dug out his keys. He's a sweet boy. I truely hope he doesnt get hurt. She made up her mind right there and then to get business done, and get Jake out of her life as quick as possible.

They went in and Jake led her to the kitchen. Jake started coffee, and Kita looked around, liking what she saw. His house was modern, but its contents were anything but. He surrounded himself with antiques and recreations.

Kita's attention was drawn to a painting on the wall. It depicted an ancient castle high on a hill, in the highlands of Scotland. The landscape was so green, the waters so blue, it brought feelings of nestalgia to Kita's heart for her first home in Scotland.

Turning her attention back to Jake, Kita caught him watching her. She smiled sweetly. "May I use your phone? Its a local call."

Jake, slightly blushed, pointed to a beautiful antigue rotary phone on a stand next to the couch. "Sure, go ahead."

Kita dialed her answering service and listned only mildy intersted, while watching Jake prepare the coffee. Fairly usual messages, her publisher wondering how her new book is coming along, her agent asking if she'd like to join him for lunch the following day. But the last message caught her attention.

Her whispered name was all she heard. "Kita." Then silence, then a click. the message itself wasnt so disconcerting to her, it was the voice. She recongnized that voice. Staring at the reciever, she slowly replaced it on its craddle.

Kita's brow creased in discontent. Her full pink lips bent down at the corners. She stood there frowning at the phone, lost in thought.

"Kita? Is something wrong?" Jake was standing beside her, bringing her out of her muddled thoughts.

She looked at him vacantly, then brought a smile to her lips. "No, Everythings fine."

Jake studied her face, concern registering on his own. "Are you sure? you looked kind of distressed.."

Kita gave him a reasurring smile. "I got a message from my publisher and Im a little worried about my deadline." That was half true. Her publisher did call, but Kita never had any problem meeting her deadline.

Jake accepted that, being a painter he knew the stress of meeting deadlines. Plus he sensed that she wanted to change the subject. Eyeing her curiously he asked, "Publisher? So you are her?" Makita Donovan was a fairly well known author.

Kiita blushed in modesty. "You've heard of me?"

Jake went into the library and returned moments later with several books in his hands. They were all by Makita Donovan. He shrugged akwardly. "What can I say, I'm a fan." He set the books on the coffee table and retrieved the coffee, setting it down on the table next to the books.

Kita lowered herself to the couch gracefully, tucking her skirt under her modestly as she sat. Jake took a seat to her right. His body was turned slightly towards her. Kita positioned herself to do likewise.

As they sat on the couch sipping coffee, Kita turned one of the volumes over in her hands. Jake pointed to the back of the book she was holding. "You never have your picture on them."

Kita smiled at him. "I dont like photo's."

Jake looked a little puzzled. "Then why were you a model for class today?"

Kita giggled a little, which made Jake smile, she had a cute laugh. "I said I dont like photo's. They're so. . . to the point. They capture the moment, but only the instant the camera flashes. What if it flashes at the wrong time?" She took a sip of her coffee. "Portraits are differant. They are subjective. The artist looks into its subject andputs what they see onpaper. I like to see how differant people interpret me."

Jake smiled at Kita. "Well, your a good subject to paint. There's a lot to you. Not only are you beautiful," He blushed visably as he said that. "But there's a lot behind your eyes, too."

Kita, who was looking at her book, smiled and looked up. Right into Jake's eyes. Again that feeling of kindred spirits came to her. Unknowing to Kita, Jake was feeling the same thing. They sat there gazing into each others eyes in companionable silence for a few moments, until finally Jake broke awa slightly embarresed.

Kita smiled. "Well, I'd love for you to do a portrait of me."

Jake looked at her. "Since you brought it up, I've been thinking about that." Kita blinked, not quite getting what he was saying. "I would love to do your portrait. I have some ideas. May I?"

She placed her hand over his. "I'd be honored." She sipped her coffee and gestured to the books. "Would you like me to scribble my name in one of those?"

Jake's whole face lit up. "Would you?" Kita nodded with an amused smile. He picked up "Eyes In The Darkness" and handed it to her. "This one was my favorite."

Kita opened the book to the inside cover and signed, "To Jake: My favorite artist, becuz you did me justice. Love Makita Donovan. K-I-T 577-7818" She wrote the last just before she remembered her promise to keep him out of her life. Once she realized that she had done it, she winced slightly and quickly looked at Jake to see if he had caught it. Luckily he was busy looking at the signature.

Kita closed the book and handed it to Jake, who accepted it with a big grin. "Thank you." She just smiled at him.

Then she rememebered the painting of Krishna. She pulled out her gab and started digging through it. "About that paintint of Krishna. Will a check be ok?"

Jake blushed a little. "Yeah, a check would be fine, but you really dont have to give me that much."

Kita found her check book and started filling one out. "Dont be silly, Im not giving it to you dear, you earned it." She tore the check out of the check book and handed to him. Jake looked at the check, but did not take it. Kita sighed. "Tell you what, Ill pay you this for the painting of Krishna, and you can give me a discount on the next one you paint."

Jake took the check, and looked at her with mild shock. "Next one?!? Your buying another one from me?"

Kita giggled softly. "I plan on buying more than more than one more hun. Youre very talented. And I'd like to commition you to paint a few paintings for me. That is if you would like to."

Jake just looked at her for a moment and shook his head snapping out of his shock. "Oh, of course, Id love to. But at the prices you pay, you'll go broke."

She averted her eyes, half smiling, "Oh, dont owrry about it. I dont have money problems to say the least." Jake looked at all the books on the table and thought of all the the others she has written, and decided she was right. She must be rich. "I'll pick up the painting of Krishna Tuesday after class."

Kita took another sip of coffee, and looked at her watch. Jake did the same. "Wow, its later than I thought." He yawned. "I have to be up early tomorrow." He grinned at Kita. "We cant all work at home doing what we love, aand get to live off it."

Kita looked at him thoughtfully, and remembered Krishna's words. You too make music. and then But one day, you will, it is destined. She said the latter to Jake, and it brought a smile to his face. "But for now," She patted his left knee. " you'll sleep."

With a crisp salute and a smile playing upon his lips, Jake said, "Yes ma'am!".

Smiling Kita got up and went to the door, Jake fallowed. "Good nyte and sweet dreams." Jake was sorry to see her go, but he did need to sleep. She hugged him and briefly kisses the corner of his mouth. Surprising both herself and him.

Jake blushed ferverantly and muttered "G'nyte" With that Kita left and got in her car. Jake watched her car leave the driveway and off down the road before closing the door and going to sleep. His last thought before drifting of to sleep was She kissed me.

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Email: moondancer_69@hotmail.com