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And NO ONE Else!!

And I mean it on this page, that's it, no more giving in.
This page is for me and only me.
I mean hey, I don't mind sharing,
but a fella has to draw the line somewhere.
After all this is a site about me, right??
So you guys here are my witness.
If mom puts ANY photos of those
"other" pooches on this particular page,
I'll have to really act up in the ring.
Then mom won't be sportin' no more of them
there fancy ribbons for me. hehehehe

OK enough said, now onto those handsome photos!!
**I'm a grinnin'**

Here we are taking our turn around the ring.

Now I sit and wait for my turn on that yucky green table.

Here's the Judge giving us a "look over".

And here she is again, pointing to me, for 1st place!!!

Ok, so now here is my ribbon, for 1st in variety group.

Not bad for first time in the ring with my mom huh?

This is how she bribed me, (no fair).
A mink stole!
Who can resit one of those to chew on, and it squeaks too!!

Ok , Ok , I know what I said earlier,
but this is my son and I couldn't resist
when mom asked/begged to put this pose on here.
I mean look at us. Aren't we a dashing duo??

Plus Mom's kinda sad now anyway.
She had to place Scooter in a pet home.

You will see more photos soon, I'm sure of it!!

Mom took me to another match in Ft.Wayne, the weekend of 10-30-98.
I didn't do real good on that Fri., but Sat. I took BOB and 1st in variety group.
Mom had photo taken that night, it will be up as soon as she gets it.

And here it is!!

These are the ones she took of me at home after the match.

As you can see, I'm NOT a happy camper in these photos.

Ok now the BIG news, mom took me again
to the show at the Genesis Center in Gary, IN.
Guess What?? I won on Sunday!! Mom was so proud.
I got my first 2 points toward my Championship and a steak dinner!! ummmmm yummy

