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One day little Nancy brought a dime with her to a local candy store. Little Nancy saw a cute little colored
thing sitting in an almost empty jar. Nancy felt bad for the little jelly bean and decided that with her life
savings, and a smile, she would save the little jelly bean from whatever it was that may harm it. She thought
maybe it would suffocate, but the store owner assured her that jelly beans don't need to breath.

With this new information, and a warm heart, Little Nancy lifted the purple jelly bean from the huge empty
glass jar. Little Nancy wanted so much to eat her new purple friend, it looked so tasty. She paid for the jelly bean
and ran out the store so the owner couldn't see what she was about to do.

As soon as Nancy got out of everyones sight, she popped the purple jelly bean in her mouth. Nancy chewed and
chewed the poor defenseless jelly bean until all that was left were small sugary lumps. Nancy swallowed, and down
went the entrails and hurt feelings of the poor little jelly bean.

Next weeks story...The Jelly Bean Gets Revenge

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