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The Birdee Story About Birdee and June.

(with doc who saves birdee)

As June walked down the street, a birdee flew by. She remembered playing birdee in gym class,
and she remembered the flowing feeling that rushed through her soul when she hit her first birdee. She wondered
what it felt like to hit a real birdee. So June walked on home.

Ten minutes later, June got to her house and got her tennis racquet. She figured she could use a tennis racquet
instead of a birdee racquet. She walked down the street and looked around for a birdee so she could chase it and
whack it. She noticed birdees in trees, but they were far to high to reach. Just as she walked away from the tree
to see an ugly brown birdee, it flew down right up to her and she swung at it and felt the birdee hit her racquet.
She looked down and saw a poor little innocent birdee lying on the ground. She didn't feel good at all, in fact, she
felt really really bad. She picked up the hurt birdee and brought it to the vet. She left it on the counter when
the lady wasn't looking, and then she ran.

The next day at school, June went to gym class and refused to play badminton. She said it was
a violent sport and it should be banned around the world. She said people could like hitting the birdee so much, that
they'd go out and hit real birdees with their racquets. The teacher told her she'd have to fail her for the quarter
if she didn't play. June decided to write a story that would change the teachers mind about playing badminton.
She wrote and wrote and wrote, until her wrist hurt. Then she wrote some more. Then she was finally finished, and
the next day she gave it to her teacher to read after class was over.

The next day, when June went back to gym class, the gym didn't have the nets up like they usually were. In fact, the
teacher didn't even have the equipment out. All the children asked what was going on, and the teacher said "We're not
playing badminton today children." June smiled because she knew her plan had worked.

After school she went into the vets and asked to see a brown bird. The woman at the desk gave June a strange look
and then called to the doc, "Bird." Right away a man came into the room and brought June into down a long dark hallway.
He opened the door at the end and there on the table (the only table in the room), sat the brown ugly birdee in a cage.
The doc pointed to the birdees wing and said, "I found a mark here that looked like a racquet hit this birdee."
June looked down and said, "I don't know what you're talking about." The doc took the bird cage off the table and
walked back out through the door, and June followed. He opened the front door then opened the birdee cage. The birdee
flew out and flew away into a near tree. The man then said, "That's where he belongs."
The doc went back in, but June stayed out, she belonged home. So June flew home.


Story written in 1995.
