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Once there was a man, his name was Debbie. He was homeless, so he slept in the forest away from
all civilization.

One day he was taking a bath in a dried up mud puddle, and he heard a noise. Debbie got up and looked around.
Debbie heard the noise again, and found that it was coming from somewhere deep inside of him, possibly his stomach area.
He bent his head over his stomach and tried to hear what he was saying. As he was busy, a young lumberjack with war
paint came along. He thought Debbie was a deer at first sight, so he shot the poor bastard in the arse. Debbie wasn't
dead, but he seemed to be. The lumberjack, let's call him Nancy, found that the animal he shot was in fact, not an
actual deer. He picked the dead thing up, and threw him over his shoulder. Oh my mistake, Shannon was dead.
Nancy, knowing Debbie was dead, decided to bring him to his Aunt Jacks cabin only 500 miles away.
He threw Debbie on his motorcycle and drove into every tree he could find...until 5 seconds later he was in front of
his Aunt Jack's cabin. The cabin was very very pink, with yellow shingles a blue chimney, and a piece of coal
for a nose. Nancy dropped Debbie on the cabin porch and lightly tapped on the orange door. Nancy ran into
the forest. As he rode away on his tricycle, he rung his bell and honked the horn. Having both hands and feet

occupied, he flew off his skateboard and landed in the middle of a snow bank.

Back at the cabin, the rich young aunt was sitting happily in her light purple chair. Debbie knew right away she
wasn't going to answer the door. He stood up and started pounding angrily on the door. Jack was afraid of
people, afraid of answering doors, and afraid of people who knocked angrily at her door. She slowly crept across
her bright green carpet and when at the door, opened it just a crack. Debbie noticed the door opening and he hit the
ground. Jack looked down at the man with a brow raised. She pushed the door open and it fell off it's hinges.
She was dressed in her silk gown, and she smelled like a rose. The man opened one eye curious of what she looked like.
He noticed her pretty high heels, "Love the shoes woman", he thought to himself aloud. The woman in a very masculine
voice returned the thought, "I bought them at Walmart on clearance."
"Everything's on clearance at Walmart", Debbie said sarcastically.

The woman shrugged and lifted the man from her porch. She brought him to a small blue table and threw him on it.
She then went back to her purple chair where she had a fine cigar and a little wine.

Four hours passed, and Jack figured she didn't want to live with Debbie anymore. Debbie was no fun, he snored
in his death, never wore clean socks, and was to big for her table. Jack picked Debbie up and brought him outside.
It was then that Jack knew where she could bring Debbie. So Jack and Debbie ran to the airport where Jack made
Debbie board the boat owned by a Mr. Cindy.

Two months later, a sailor, (BOB), found a dead man on his plane. Debbie had been to Hawaii and back again six
times with Pam the beer man. BOB didn't want to have a dead body in his plane, so he did what any normal person
would do, and he threw him out.

Hours later, a farmer found a dead body in his room, he also found something else. He found a big hole in his ceiling
that he had never seen before. The farmer told the doctor who was busy steering the train, about his findings. The
doctor was clueless and told him to talk to the engineer. The engineer was the one concerned with helping the
unhealthy, not he. The engineer, (who was standing beside the doctor), pronounced Debbie man and wife, then jumped
off the train with a parachute on. The passengers boarding didn't really care, since the engineer wasn't the one
in charge of the train anyhow.

Debbie stayed alone in his old friend farmer Moe's room until another passenger claimed it. The new passenger was Jack!
Actually, it was Sam!!
Alright, it was just BOB. BOB saw Debbie and recognized the parachute on his back.

BOB didn't want to see Debbie ever again, so after the train got to where it was going, BOB took Debbie back to
his plane. When he was higher than a birdy in the air, he threw himself out, then threw Debbie out after him.

The next day, Debbie woke up in a corn field with a new beard, and a parachute on his back.

I hope you enjoyed this little story I wrote years ago (but changed and updated regulary).

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