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Turd Stories

Submitted Nov 18th, 2004.

True story; In 1968 I lived in a small town in Colorado. There was an old drunk that lived on the other side of the river from the Bar.
In summer time it was about a mile walk to the bar but in winter when the river was frozen over, it was only about 200yds. One winter day
on his walk to the Bar, he found a frozen turd near the riverbank. He picked it up and took it to the bar with him. When he entered the bar
he saw several of the regular customers setting at the bar shooting the breeze. He walked over and handed the turd to one of them and
asked; What kind of wood is this ? The man looked it over and said ; it looks like birch to me, another man said; let me see that, that's oak!
see the grain ! This went on for a while, the men passing it around and guessing what kind of wood it was. Until the turd began to thaw !
and one of them shouted; That ain't Wood ! That's Shit!!! The old drunk run for the door but he was'nt quick enough, The Frozen Turd Hit Him In The Back Of The Head.
