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Maine has new license plates. Here is what they look like.


Maine has 3500 miles of beautiful coastline and is as big as the other 5 New England States combined.

Maine is the 23rd State. It became a state on March 15, 1820.

Capital: Augusta

Population: Approximately 1.2 million

Gemstone: Tourmaline

Fossil: Pertica quadrifaria

Cat: Maine Coon Cat

Insect: Honeybee

Animal: Moose


Flag: The coat of arms of the State of Maine is placed on a blue field of the same shade of blue in the flag of the United States. Adopted by the Legislature of 1909.

Motto: Dirigo (I lead)

Tree: White Pine, adopted by the Legislature of 1945.

Floral Emblem: White pine cone and tassel (Pinus strobus, linnaeus). Adopted by the Legislature of 1895.

Bird: Chickadee (Parus atricapillus) Adopted by the Legislature of 1927.

Fish: Landlocked Salmon

First Governor: William King.

First Newspaper: Falmouth Gazette in 1785.

In 1876, Portland received a snow storm on the 4th of July.

In 1920, women received the right to vote. The women of Maine was the first to exercise this right.

In 1947,a forest fire swept the Maine coast, destroying more than 1,000 homes, leveling seven communities and causing damage to 50 more, destroys 17,000 acres of Acadia National Park, and blackens some 200,000 additional acres of woodland.