Argemone mexicana



Argemone mexicana L.;

Poppy family (Papaveraceae)

An annual herb 1 to 3 feet high with prickly stems, leaves and capsules. The flowers are yellow or orange, up to 2.5 inches across, and followed by an oblong seed capsule. The leaves are white-veined and 4 to 6 inches long. Native to tropical America but naturalized in the southeastern U.S.

Cultivation and Propagation: Although generally grown as an annual, this poppy is sometimes a biennial or perennial. It prefers a light soil but it will do well in most soils if given a full sunny exposure. It is propagated by seeds sown in early spring. The seedlings, like most poppies, dislike transplanting, so the seeds are usually sown where they are to stand. However, they may be sown in pots and, if replanted outside without disturbing the roots, they will do well. It blooms in late summer and reseeds itself readily.

Harvesting: The unripe capsules may be incised in the same manner as opium poppies and an opium-like substitute obtained. However, the stout prickles which cover the capsule make this difficult. The seed may be harvested by keeping a close watch on the capsules and removing them when they first begin to open, before the seeds spill out.

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