Ilex paraguayensis St. Hil.;
Holly family (Aquifoliaceae)
An evergreen shrub or small tree growing to 20 feet tall, with oval, wavy-toothed leaves. The Flowers are tiny and white, followed by red or reddish-brown berries. Native to Brazil.
Cultivation and Propagation: This ilex will do well in a rich, well-drained soil. It grows very rapidly and can produce a crop after one year's growth from seed. The seed, however, must be stratified, as it does not germinate until the second year. Seedlings should be transplanted in early fall or in the spring, before new growth starts. Some of the leaves should be stripped off first to lessen the shock. It may also be propagated by cuttings under glass.
Harvesting: The branch tips bearing young leaves should be cut when the growth is new. These should be lightly toasted in an oven until dry, and the twigs removed and discarded.