Reiki Training at the

Gainesville Center for Reiki Training



The Gainesville Center for Reiki Training offers certification in all levels of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. For inquiries about Reiki training, contact Reiki Master/Shihan Terry Rogers. Traditionally trained in 1996-97 and again in 2005, Terry is the owner and Founding Director of the center and has been teaching since 1997.

Reiki facilitates well being, balance and relaxation on all levels. The system is a simple, yet powerful process that unlocks the inner flow of vital Life Force Energy (Ki), helping to restore and balance the energy system in all living things. The practitioner's ability to facilitate this process is accomplished through a series of energy attunements given in class. These empowerments assist the practitioner to directly access the Universal Life Force Energy (Rei ki) through their hands. It is understood that the practitioner is not a healer but a conduit for Universal Life Force, which assists the recipient's own body, mind and spirit to come into balance and wellness.

Along with the traditional Reiki energy empowerments, full instruction is given in the application of Reiki to self as well as others, using the traditional hand positions in the Usui system. An extensive manual and a First Degree Reiki Practitioner Certificate will be awarded to all who complete the course.

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For several years now, particularly since the last year of the Pandemic, I have wanted to deepen the method of my sharing of Reiki with students.

We know that Mikao Usui taught Reiki in a Dojo setting. Working with each student at their own pace of understanding and personal healing. He would generally offer Reiki healing to them and then take them on as a student if they were interested. Apparently, First level, or Shoden, was available to anyone. Second level, or Okuden, was taught to students who showed a sincere desire to advance in the training and were showing efficiency in Shoden.

I have been teaching the three traditional levels of Usui Shiki Ryoho since late 1997 as a one-day seminar. That format tends to be the way that Reiki has been taught in the West from the beginning. Sometimes the seminar consists of 2 days. In a format such as that, the student can easily learn the basics, how to perform a self, as well as a treatment for others. After all, Reiki is a very simple healing modality. However, after the class, the student is usually left to advance on their own, particularly if they have come from out of town for the training. So, taking all of this into account, I have decided to change the way that I teach and am now offering Shoden and Okuden in a more Dojo style. Taking each student individually by the hand and working with them for as long as they feel the need for guidance. Also, due to circumstances beyond my current control, I am no longer teaching in my home but for the time being, I am teaching in a natural environment, outside in a beautiful local park. Presently, I am approaching this with an open heart and mind, taking each day as it comes but I am very excited and committed to this new way of teaching. I have also decided to offer Shoden at no charge and will leave it to the student to determine if they want to provide an energy exchange of some sort. Discussion is open.

If you are from out of town, you may find this format too difficult but I would encourage you to contact me if you are interested and we can perhaps work something out. If you prefer to learn Reiki in the one-day seminar, my apprentice, Julie Mossburg is now certified to teach and she is amazing! She lives in Live Oak, Florida and teaches classes on a monthly basis. I will be happy to provide contact information if you like.

So, my calendar will no longer be updated with a class schedule because I will not be offering classes on a monthly basis but will be working with students individually on an equally agreed upon schedule.

I truly believe that this is the best way for some people to learn. If you think that you would like to have someone who will continue to train and support you on your Reiki journey, please contact me. Initial contact is best via email or text. Then we can set up a time to meet or talk over the phone.

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315 N. E. 10th St.
Gainesville, FL

Ph. 352 283-0538

