I believe that all our relations draw and give energy in the dimensional power that they exist within. Stones are not humans, and plants are not animals. We all find our particular expression in each incarnation, and that expression determines our form. But just as a four legged, like a dog or a housecat, can feel our emotions, and respond to them, or even project their emotions and energies to us, all nature responds to one another. We are connected.
It is a good thing then, to ask permission in the ways of our ancestors, to every being here with us in lesson before we include them in our medicine. To cleanse stones of prior vibrations is to accept the unique power within them, and to allow them to give their medicine, which is one of reception and holding of power. It is a freeing of our relation of the things which are still remaining, and a blessing to them.
Many methods of clearing and purification are known to exist, and as the veil of darkness is continually lifted, then we shall come to knowledge of many more. I am reminded that Emannuel taught the people that the stones sang! I believe that they still do, and we are so out of tune with them we don't listen to hear them! When we do ceremony for these brothers and sisters, it is not to change their nature, or to atttempt to make them any more than they are. I try to bring healing to them as well as all our relations, for they have been oppressed through the net of corrupt thinking brought into this plane in the same way as human expressions have been.
What is it about our egos that we have come to believe our existence is higher on the Earth Mother when our earthwalks are so much shorter than our relations the Stone People? They were here to receive the Star Mother when she fell from the heavens, and cradled her in their energy, to give birth to her as Selu, the Corn Maiden. They hold the Stands Tall People who respire oxygen that we may breathe, and hold up the canopy of the sky, where the Grandfather Sun dances! All these relations are older and wiser than any of us, and it is from wisdom they remain quiet, teaching us to look to Grandfather, the source of all life!
I have several friends with me this morning that have walked my path alongside me as helpers for many many years. They offer me held power of fires where I have recieved my medicine, of prayers of brothers and sisters, some which have crossed over. I can touch them as they lay warmly in my medicine bag, over my heart chakra, and they are faithful keepers of those places on the medicine wheel. I go to them for reminders of Spirit's power of protection, of grounding to the Earth Mother, of clear vision and understanding, and that I am also an Old Spirit, formed of the same lovelight as they many epochs ago in a place far away.
Dan EagleBear is a tokabachee redstick of the lower Creek (Muscogee)
nation and also descended from English/Irish roots. He is a medicine elder
of the Bear Light Tribe, and of the