Janice, Stacy, Aidan and Evan
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our home on the web...

Stacy and Janice...

We met a few years ago at Karate, and married on June 25th, 1994. We live in beautiful British Columbia, we're nestled among the apple orchards on a large creek, we love where we live! We spend a lot of time together we are lucky with Stacy's work schedule! He runs a Paintball Company during the warm months and works a J-O-B year round. Before Mommyhood I was a preschool teacher and ran my own school...perhaps again someday, but right now I love being home with our sons!

Our eldest son Aidan Stuart...

Arrived a little earlier than we had anticipated after a quick and easy induction and labour on January 16th, 1997. His arrival is as extraordinary as him as he came out weighing 4lbs 9oz with a true knot in his cord...we were lucky he arrived safely! (his apgars were 8 & 9) Although small Aidan was healthy and spent two weeks in the hospital learning to eat before we brought him home. Aidan is now all caught up to his peers and is a very healthy and HAPPY baby! He is such a joy it is hard remembering life before baby! Aidan's 1st homepage has his birth story, some links a list of his favorite things & more! Check it out!

Our middle son Evan Matthew...

Arrived a bit early and also by induction. But we spent 5 days in the hospital together before going home on Christmas Day! His arrival was much faster than his big brothers and much scarier! When they say everyone is different they're not kidding! Evan arrived December 20th, 1998 weighing 5lbs 5oz and was 18 inches long. His apgars were 4 and 9. Evan is a very happy easy going child, he is simply WONDERFUL! Evans 1st homepage has some adorable photos and a little bit more about him.

Our youngest son Davis Ian....

Arrived at 36 weeks gestation. He was our huge MOOSE. :) He weighed in one month early at 7lbs 3oz and 20" long! His apgars were 9 and 9! He like Evan is a really easy going baby and we find him to be such a sweet blessing. Davis was our fastest delivery yet. You can read his birth story on his very own homepage.

Click on a photo to see that boy's homepage!

Our Photos!
Christmas Photos 1997

Parenting links...

The Parent Club A GREAT new site!

Parents.com...GREAT site! Even can keep a journal on it! Lots of articles and experts too.
Canadian Parents Online...has a great list for recalls!
Dr Paula Online..a ped. to answer your questions about your child
Parents Place..great site plus it has our birth story published!
Between Moms ... a collection of links!
Today's Parent... the magazine online!
Parent Time...choose info based on your child's age!
Family.Com... by Disney!
ParentSoup... tons of BB's here!
Baby Bag...Parenting tips & hints! (Ignore the BB's~nasty!)
Baby Planet...lots of stuff to browse here.
Mom's Online...a bit of everything here!
Baby Center...lots here, including Dr T. Berry Brazelton as resident expert!
Baby Names...I don't think this one needs a descriptive plug! *grin*
I am your child...a great resource for parents!
Kids Health... by the AMA (so what if I am a Canuck!)

on the lighter side of life...

Columbia House Music online ...This is the Canuck version but there is an American one too!
Silver Fox Stamps...Some great rubber stamp links!
The Comic Strip...Stacy likes Robotman!
Mr Showbiz...A fun place to spend some time!
Don't spread that HOAX!...*wink* now stop ICQing me all that junk!
Internet Movie Database...whatcha feel like watchin'?
Discovery Channel Online...really interesting site, it changes daily.

We would love to hear from you, drop us a line! jarmstro@direct.ca