Most people come nagging at me, e-mailng me and saying I'm not a true anarchist. Well, to be honest with you, maybe I'm not, but I know a hell of a lot of Anarcho history. Fighting over a pefect world with out a running Government is something I plan to do. Maybe our planet will never get a chance to view the world of an Anarchist, but great anarchists in the past have tried greatly to fulfill that dream. Sure enough, one man can't fight to murder the government, and ignore all the laws which it stands for, but I'll tell now, if ever a mob of rioters totally ramshackle the constitution, I certainly will not hold back. It's a crazy world, but blowing up buildings, and setting up car bombs is not what Anarchy is about. If people want to stand on roofs all day, throwing stones at innocent people walking below I wouldn't bother making this web site. A pefect world, without worrying about being hassled by some commie is my idea of Anarchism.
That's all that I have to say, so enough with the e-mails!!! LONG LIVE PUNK ROCK!!!!!
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