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New York cabbie teaches honesty to children

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of schoolchildren gave Mayor Rudolph Giuliani the wrong answer about honesty Monday as he thanked a Pakistani taxi driver for returning more than $10,000 in lost cash to a Belgian tourist.

Syed Shah, 33, found $10,042, a Belgian passport and a leather bag in his cab late Friday night and reported it to the police. The money was returned to an elderly woman tourist, who was not identified by authorities.

``Now, if you found that money what would you do?'' Giuliani asked the children, guests for the morning at City Hall. ``Keeeep Iiiiitt!'' they replied in sing-song unison. With the audience laughing, the mayor told the elementary schoolchildren: ``No, no, the reason we have Mr Shah here is to teach you a different answer. ``If you found that money and it wasn't yours, you should return it. Only bad people keep things that don't belong to them,'' Giuliani said.

Shah, who immigrated to New York six years ago, said his Muslim upbringing taught him to be honest. ``I am a religious person and my religion teaches me that I am supposed to be nice to other people,'' Shah said. ``If I had kept the money I would feel guilty my whole life.''

Copyright 1998, Reuters News Service