Islamic Manners of Going to the Bathroom
1. It is recommended that a person, when entering the bathroom, places the
left foot first and say:
Bismillah, allahumma inni audhi bika minal khubthi wal khabaith, which
means: In the name of Allah. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from male and
female noxious beings (devils). (Related by Al-Thirmithi, Abu Dawud, and
2. When leaving the bathroom, it is recommended that the person come out
with the right foot first and say:
Ghufranaka, alhamdu lillah-il-ladhi
adhhaba ann-il-adha wa afani, which means: I seek Your forgiveness. Praise
be to Allah Who made the filth leave me and Who has given me health.
3. It is recommended that one conceals himself from the view of others when
relieving himself.
4. To avoid impurities from reaching him, a person should select a soft
spot if relieving himself in the open - usually in rural areas. Also, in
modern toilets, one must avoid defiling his body or clothing with the
excretions especially urine.
5. It is discouraged to enter the bathroom with anything that has the name
of Allah on it. However, it may be done out of necessity if there is fear
of losing it or having it stolen.
6. It is not proper to speak while in the bathroom.
7. It is not proper to touch the private parts with the right hand or
perform istinja or istijmar with it.
8. It is forbidden to face or turn ones back towards the qiblah (the
direction of the Kabah in Makkah which Muslims face during prayer), if
relieving oneself in the open. However, it is permissible inside
9. It is forbidden to urinate or pass out faeces in shaded areas that
people benefit from; on public pathways; or under fruit-bearing trees.
10. It is better for men to urinate sitting, even though it is permissible
for them to do so standing if they can prevent drops of urine from
reaching their body and clothing.
11. If a clothing is defiled with impurities, the spot must be washed.
However, if the specific spot cannot be located, the entire garment should
be washed.