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Do not touch your private part with your right hand while urinating, nor use it for cleaning your private parts (istinja), after doing so! Do not breathe into the vessel while you drink
Bukhari and Muslim

Allah has cursed those women who get hair woven into their own (so that their hair looks thicker than it really is), those who do this for others, those who tattoo others and those who get tattooed
Bukhari and Muslim

Abd Allah son of Omar (RAA) reported that the messenger of Allah (SAW) forbade shaving a part of the head (and leaving off the other part)

Bukhari and Muslim

Amer bin Rabee'ah said that he had seen the messenger of Allah innumerable times cleaning his teeth with siwak* during his fasts

* a siwak is a twig cut from a certain kind of tree and processed for cleaning teeth with. (Even though it is permissible to clean the teeth during the fast, it is not recommended at all that one should use toothpaste for it is hard to avoid swallowing the toothpaste remaining in the mouth after brushing, thus compromising one's fast)

The Prophet performed ablution by washing the body parts only once

Narrated Um Selami: While I was lying with the Prophet under a single woolen sheet, I got the menses. I slipped away and put on the clothes for menses. He said "Have you got 'Nifus' (menses)?" I replied, "Yes." He then called me and made me lie with him under the same sheet.

Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet used to lean on my lap and recite Quran while I was in menses

Whenever anyone of you drinks water, he should not breathe in the drinking utensil, and whenever anyone of you goes to a lavatory, he should neither touch his penis nor clean his private parts with his right hand

Cleanse yourself, for Islam is cleanliness.
(Ibn Hayyan).