I made this page just to point out some various things that i'm opinionated about, first and foremost is POSERPUNKS, wannabe's, trendy's, whatever you wanna call them, because if a mohawk or spikey haircut is more important than what's inside your head, fill me in, why do something to make you look like you are something that you really aren't, it's dumb and ignorant, YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE WORLD THROUGH PUNK FASHION. How revolutionary it´s to go out and play your false role as "world's most real punk". The punk-scene is not a fucking contest who wears the toughest clothes, not a fuckin silly fashion and definitely not a lame joke that will fade away in some years. You trendy bastards will slowly fade away from our scene, and jump on the next stupid and lame trend that media says you should follow. You are so easily fooled by others, never able to follow your heart, always scared of to not fit in.
Racism is one thing that scares the shit out of me every time I think about it. How fuckin sick can a person get, hate another human being just for his / her skincolor. How can we fight this problem and get rid of all racism in our society? I´ts not an easy question to answer. I think no one can really answer that question, but my opinions in that question is that that we should..... kill the bastards before they kill us. I see no point in waiting for them to hurt us when we could deal with the problem right now and fight the nazi trash that makes us feel insecure.
One thing I hate is when politicians in America says that we should ignore the bastards and some weeks later they give them permission to have speeches and demonstrations on the streets. How the fuck is possible to ignore them to death when our government doesn´t ignore them. Then sometimes newspapers and TV are saying the same, but still they write about their demos and speeches. Burn the hypocritical government and media down!!!!
How can a punks and nazi-boneheads be friends??? I can´t understand it, because the nazis wants exterminate the so called "lower" races, the weak and everything that threatens them and we punks are definately threatening them with our "evil" plans to take over this fucked up society. So fuck off all you so called "punks" who is a friend with nazi-garbage!!!!
In schools all across america, millions of school children every day are forced to stand by their desks, and recite a bunch memorized words while holding their right hand on their heart and looking towards a flag. They are pledging to our, "flag of freedom." We are taught this ritual of extreme control at such an early age so that we can't question what we are doing, nor understand it. (Pledging to the flag begins during preschool.)
The pledge of Allegiance in public schools began at the turn of the 20th century. It's sole purpose was to counter the influence of foreign children and their cultures and ideas. The government was afraid that these foreign people and their ways of life would have an impact on American children. An impact that may cause some American children to stray from the status quo of American life. They were afraid that they would loose some of it's control and making the population or at least the majority of the population recite a pledge of loyalty to our country and our countries leaders would be a good way of insuring their control. That is what it all boils down to. Control. In the eyes of the government being a "good citizen" means obeying and doing what you are told. Kids are taught to pledge their allegiance to the flag at an early age with usually no explanation of what they are doing. They do it cause every one else is doing it and it just becomes a routine. Something they have always done. It's just another way for the government to keep control.
It is not like they are giving you a choice weather to pledge or not. I actually heard one teacher, after forcing a kid to stand for the pledge, give this speech about freedom and how we are lucky enough to live in this country and that we should all be forced to pledge to the flag. What the hell kind of freedom is that? Where you are forced to pledge to what ever you are told? Doesn't the fact that you are forcing me to stand for something I don't believe in contradict the freedom that you are spouting? My teacher once yelled at me for not standing for the pledge. Her logic was, "It only takes a minute to honor those who died for you." Died for me? No. If it was up to me, they would not have died. Died in the name of a lie for a rich capitalist politician? Yes. I told her this, "Don't you think its a little stupid that you are pledging to a flag and country that murders it's citizens? I refuse to pledge to a flag that is drenched in the blood of those who have opposed it and those that have stood by it. I got a detention. This is proof that if you try to question or go against the authority or the status quo you are either punished or pushed aside and thought of as weird or strange.
I guess to sum it up I would like to say this, if you pledge to our capitalist, oppressive flag, great. I do feel sorry for you and I do understand that since the beginning you were brainwashed and I am still going to keep on speaking the truth, just don't impose your beliefs on me and don't give me a speech about all the people that died in the name of that flag. That's one of the reasons why I am opposed to it. And if you cared so much about those people, then you would be right by my side, working with me to destroy that flag and everything it stands for.
Fighting is stupid. When you fight, you show no intelligence what-so ever. Humans, unlike animals have the ability to use reason and logic to solve their problems. Animals on the other hand can’t do this, they have no other choice but to use violence to solve their problems and conflicts. Hate and violence go hand in hand. Young children do not hate, they are not capable of it, it is not in their nature. Kids are taught to hate, by their parents or by the society they are growing up in.
As a student in high school, I saw a lot of fights. Ninety percent of the fights that occured(and still occur) are because someone is, “Talking shit.” What do you accomplish by beating up someone who is talking about you? Absolutely nothing. They are just going to dislike you even more and talk about you even more.
However much I dislike fighting, there are times and situations when it is justified and necessary. To protect yourself, your family and your friends in the face of immediate danger, violence is justified. But going out and looking for a fight is just stupid. If you see a person picking on someone who can not defend themselves, it is your responsibility to step in and protect that person. If you see a racist person or a nazi, these people are so brainwashed and out of it, that there is no use using logic and reason with them, and you should beat the fuck out of them. Especially, in the different music scenes such as Punk. They need to know that they are not welcome in my scene, in our scene. We all need to take a stand against these racist bigots.
Weather we like it or not, we are all in this together amd we should all work together to destroy hate and violence.
Police brutality is fucked up! It seems that cops can do about anything these days and get away with it, because nobody believes you over a lawful citizen like a cop right? The story below i copied from a magazine called Riot Revolution.
Last Monday night (December 21st) at roughly 9:00 p.m., four or five police cars and a fire engine showed up at SFX skate park in Pembroke Pins. The reason for them showing up is some idiot kid decided to light a beer case on fire. We put out the small fire and thought that would be the end of it. About twenty minutes latter the pigs in blue showed up.
That night there was a Punk Rock show scheduled to be put on at SFX but it was canceled cause some idiot skater kid decided to steal a skateboard. So becasue the show was canceled, everyone was waiting outside in the parking lot for rides and what not. The cops showed up and right away starting yelling at all the kids and getting everyone together in one big group. One of the cops starting yelling at my friend Jimmy, and Jimmy got kind of pissed off. He told the cop, “Listen, my band just got canceled cause some moron stole a skate board, I really wanted to play tonight, we put out the fire, and there is no trouble here, so just calm down." The cop kept yelling at him and at this point started to move towards Jimmy. The cop was trying to egg on and make fun of Jimmy saying, "you got something to say tough guy?" All the while moving towards Jimmy. Jimmy got pissed and pointed at the cop and said, "This is really fucked up." Then the Police officer (I mean the pig) tripped Jimmy and when Jimmy hit the pavement, this pig hit him in the head with his flash light and proceeded to arrest Jimmy.
There was a girl who had a camera and she was taping this whole situation unfold. After they got Jimmy in the car they tried to clear everyone out of the SFX parking lot. One of the cops threatened to arrest a girl named Tesa. Tesa laughed at the cop and said there was no reason for her to be arrested and started to walk away. The cop ran after her, wrapped his arms around Tesa, threw her to the ground and wrestled this innocent girl into handcuffs. The girl who was filming everything also caught that on film.
At this point a cop approached the girl who was taping everything and asked for the video camera. She declined and the cop hit her in the shoulder with his billy club. While she was on the ground crying the pig took the camera and the tape. I don’t know what he did with the tape but I heard the cop say he needed to "preview" the tape before he gave it back. I don't know if he gave the tape back or not.
At this point an old man who was watching these pigs exert their fascist power trip on innocent kids came over and asked for one of the cop’s name so he could file a report. The cop told him to leave the area and the old guy said he was going to file a report. The cop said, “Go ahead, we didn't do anything wrong.” I was standing near them during this exchange and I replied back to the officer, “You didn’t do anything wrong? That's bullshit, you just beat down 3 kids.” The cop pulled out his riot stick and replied, “You keep talking and you’ll get the same thing.” (I guess they don’t believe in freedom of speech). I was threatened with arrest four times that night.
These fascist pigs had no regard for anything. This kind of stuff happens every day. Every day our kids are targeted by cops, every day our kids are treated like criminals. Cops target our youth and treat them without any respect. This needs to be stopped. We need to monitor them and protect ourselves. Last night after Jimmy got hit there were maybe 20 of us out of 60 some odd kids that were yelling at the cops. We were trying to get the cops under control and trying to be heard. The cops singled us out by arresting us and hitting us. I wonder what would have happened if all of us were yelling, if all of us were making our voices heard.
I am proud of Jimmy, I am proud of Tesa, I am proud of the girl tapping everything, I am proud of myself and all of my friends that night that did not stay quite. It would have been easy to avoid all the trouble and to have just listened to the cops. But that would have been wrong. Instead we stood by each other, and stood up for each other. We decided to stand as one and make our selves be heard. And what happened? My friend Jimmy was beaten, thrown to the pavement and then arrested. My friend Tesa was arrested by a big fat pig. A girl who I don't know but who I have much respect for had her arm almost pulled out of her socket. You may be wondering what we accomplished that night. And the answer is nothing. But the fight is far from over. Jimmy is pressing charges, Tesa is pressing charges, and I am pretty sure some of the others that were arrested that night are pressing charges. Unity is the key. Without unity we are easy to single out and easy to keep down, without unity we are nothing.
In all of the history of our existence, there has never been a just war. Every war that has ever taken place has been for one of three things; profit, expansion, or ignorance. War is a horrible thing where inhuman, horrible atrocities are committed and justified and considered okay. War is not a natural human instinct. In fact, the natural human nature is against war and all of it’s aspects. In the following text I hope to prove that we can go with out war, and I will show you how we can all do it.
The reason why people go to war and fight for their country is not because they want to, (do we see men and women rushing at each other wildly on a battle field and enjoying it?) Of course not, but we do see people joining the armed forces in search of jobs, security, and others being conscripted by law, under penalty of prison if they refuse. We go to war and commit crimes of the worst kind because we have been brought up to believe that our political leaders have good motives and could be trusted to do right in the world. We have learned that this world has good guys and bad, good countries and bad countries and ours is one of the good countries. We have been trained to become killing machines with little or no compassion. And besides, we don’t have to watch the consequences of our actions. We don’t have to watch a little girl’s legs get blown off, we were three thousand feet up, dropping the bombs.
A GI named John Ketwig wrote a letter to his wife during his war time:
After all those years of preparation in the schools, you walked out the door, and they told you it was your duty to kill the commies in South Vietnam. If you wouldn’t volunteer, they would draft you, force you to do things against your will. Put you in jail. Cut your hair, take away your mod clothes, train you to kill. How could they do that? It was directly opposite to everything your parents have been saying, the teachers have been saying, the clergymen have been saying. You questioned it, and your parents said they didn’t want you to go, but better than jail. the teacher said it was your duty. The clergy said you wouldn’t want your mother to live in a communist country, so you’d best go fight them in Asia before they landed in California. You asked about, “thouh shalt not kill”, and they mumbled.
For people to take part in something as horrible as war, and to die for whoever waged that war, extreme control must be had over that person. It must be a deeply engraved concept that the only way to live a healthy and complete life is to follow orders. “Obligation to the government, is unnatural. It must be taught to every generation."
The state as parents. Now we understand these words: The motherlands, the fatherlands, the founding fathers, uncle Sam. What neat spades for planting the idea of obligation. It’s not just military men and politician who are sending you to die in some muddy little field in Asia or central America, it’s your mother, your father, your fathers favorite brother. How can you say no?”
I hear many people say that it is a wonderful thing to die for your country. What bullshit! What do you owe the government? it’s true that the government does do some things for it’s people: like administrate old age pensions and health benefits, regulate the use of drugs, apprehend criminals etc. But the citizens pay for all of these programs and the government officials who run them draw a salary from them. So you do not OWE the government your life. You do not owe the government anything. And you should not feel pressured to be “patriotic” and go to war.
“If you define patriotism not as blind obedience to government, not as submissive worship to flags and anthems, but rather as love of ones country, one’s fellow citizens (all over the world), as loyalty to the principles of justice and democracy, then patriotism would require us to disobey the government , when it violated those principles.”
As I have stated early, there has never been a just war. This means that there has never been a war that was fought for a good reason or a war that can be justified.
Perhaps the one war that puts this statement to the test is World War II. If there has ever been a war that was truly just and right then World War II. This war was supposedly a war against fascism, against the worst kind of control. But why was this war truly fought? I mean, our government was telling us all how bad Germany and Hitler were but what about how the U.S. waged a one hundred year war against the Native Americans, massacring the peaceful people and driving them off their land. The U.S has started a war with Mexico and taken half of their land. We have sent marines 20 different times to the countries of the Caribbean for profit and expansion. And the United States had observed Fascist expansion without and strong reactions. The U.S and Britain opposed fascism only when and because it threatened their own control over resources. When Italy invaded Ethiopia, the U.S. while declaring an embargo on munitions, allowed American businesses to send oil to Italy, which was crucial for carrying out the war against Ethiopia. Neither the invasion of Austria nor Czechoslovakia nor Poland brought the US into the armed collision against fascism.
This was supposed to be a war in the name of freedom. That was how our government sold it to the American public. That was how they got millions of young men and women, (our brothers, sisters, and children) to give their lives for something that neither concerned or imposed on them. It was supposed to be a war for freedom, but in the US, when members of the Trotskyists and members of the Socialist Workers party spoke out against the war, eighteen of them were prosecuted. The Smith Act and the Espionage Act, both go directly against the first amendment, was being used more and more.
During this war, lines of class were clearly drawn. This is a pattern we see a lot. In a country, the wealth is being constricted to fewer and fewer hands, there is distrust and rebellion in the air. People are staring to strike and rise up. Then that country goes to war and the wealth is concentrated to even fewer hands than before. But the country is now at war, and it is important to be patriotic. A kind of patriotic fever is in the air. They say, “Let’s fix the more important problems first, then we’ll get to you and your petty problems.” They begin to say that enough so that we start to believe it. We see on TV what is going to happen to us if we are not patriotic, we read in the newspapers why it is so important to stand by your country right now, and we hear from our teachers, churches, synagogues, and teachers that we should all make sacrifices to help our country get through this hard, hard time.
People forgot about how they have been treated by their country, they forgot they are being oppressed. Studies show that right before a war, class consciousness is at it’s highest, and studies also show that during and after a war, class consciousness is at it’s lowest. If the country looses, the country will say, “We have been defeated by evil, the enemy cheated and was not fair it it’s fight. Our own citizens have helped defeat us, for they have questioned our polices and fought against us. We must get through this, we need all of you to do your part, to repair our great country.” If the country wins they will say, “We won, we are the best country, for those of you who did not believe in us and stand by us, we told you so. And maybe when you get out of jail, for speaking your opinion, you will help your great country expand and become even more powerful.
Back in the 1960's at Yale universitey, there was an experiment that I think sheds light on the whole arguemnt of war and government control. The expierment was called the, "Milgram experiment," named after the phychologist who supervisied it.
A group of paid volunteers were told they were helping with an experiment dealing with the effects of punishment on learning. Each volunteer was seated in a position to observe someone taking a test, wearing electrods connected to a control panel operated by the volunteer. The volunteer was told to monitor the test and, whenever a wrong answer was given, to pull the switch that would give a painful electrical jolt to the person taking the test, each wrong answer led to a greater electrical charge. There were 30 switches, with labels ranging from "slight shock" to "danger-sever shock".
The volunteer was not told that the person taking the test was an actor and that no real jolt was given. The actor would pretend to be in pain when the volunteer pulled the switch. When the volunteer became reluctant to continue causing pain, the experimenter in charge would say something like, "The experiment requires you to continue." Under these conditions, two-thirds of the volunteers continued to pull the electrical switches on wrong answers, even when the subjects showed agonizing pain. One third refused.
The experiments were tried with the volunteers at diffrent distances from the subjects. When they were not physically close to the subjects, about 35 percent of the volunteers denied authority even when they could not see or talk with the subject. But when they were right next to the subject, 70 percent refused the order.
Animals other than humans do not make war. They do not engage inn organized violance on behalf of some abstraction. This is a special gift of creatures with advanced brains and cultures. The animal commits violance for a specific, visible reason, the need for food and for self defense. I guess all I am trying to say is that war sucks. Some might argue that if we did not fight in wars then some fuck head like Hitler would take over. This is true. But if our country would have stopped him in the beginning, while Germany was not so strong, we could have saved so many lives. Both our own and all of the other countries that were in that war. The Nordic countries have no military. They are neutral in all foreign affairs, and they are doing fine.
Fuck war, Fuck the asshole who brought us in to that war, fuck the media for making it sound patriotic, and an especially a big fuck you to the idiots who stand at the side of a road and hold sign like, “USA, love it or leave it.”