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High jinx, mood swings, Life really stings!!!

Out of the blue, someday, sometime, somewhere, we find ourselves caught in a trap of Emotional mood swings. This is when life really sucks and instead of creating a breeze of happiness all around, we dive deep into the sea of stress and depressive traumas living in oblivion. This is when we ought to realise the bare truth, the realities and be in total ‘Incharge’ of our Emotional Switchboard. Hope brings sunshine into the shadows of our life followed by faith and love but the control board ‘Emotion’ requires balanced computerised system programming of Thoughts and Actions. It is we who create thoughts, thoughts create intentions, intentions create desire and then is the action which is powered by ‘Reality’. This is when our mind management needs to shrug off the black seeds of anger, jealousy, hatred, possessiveness, dominance from the heart and possess white flowers of peace, love, compassion, service, sincerity, sensitivity and awareness which makes us ‘better people’. Then, there is peace.

Keep the hope, feel the love, strive for peace.

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How powerful are our emotions!
They override circumsances with ease.
Misery can find gloom in rainbows, but a glad heart is resourceful in finding joy.


It's Valentine and many a human mind fluttered wings of sheer joy to announce their love pumping up their adrenalian veins. The brain is a ‘Thought Factory’ which produces thoughts and it requires good operational methods to keep it functioning smooth. Language facilitates thoughts whether its in speech, writing or thoughts. Emotions reflects our senses and is an interaction of mental faculties of the brain. Emotions involve around three mysteries – arousal, expression and experience. A person is on the height of emotions based on the factors of its day to day mental and physical being. The feelings stir into the soul of each individual whose conscious minds picks up the waves and the mind reacts depending entirely on the thinking and memory processes. Emotions as per researchers vary from acceptance, anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise. However, its virtually limitless to count emotions as a pounding heart or sweaty palms can signify any number of emotions from puppy love to fear of flying. Culture varies and has an influence impact but the feelings of emotion remain same anywhere. Sometimes, too much emotion or too little emotion is a sign of mental disturbances. It so happens that during a roller coaster ride, some people laugh and than cry for the next moment which shows a sign of instability of affect. Signs of anxiety, fear, insecurity is emotional outbursts seen in elderly people which is totally controlled by the thinking process of the brain. Thoughts produce action and so, changes involved in thinking and learning take relatively huge amounts of energy too. Emotional being of a person depends on how he thinks. Hearing, seeing, speaking and thinking are the main ingredients that make Emotion. Memories too play its role.

According to Gita ‘Action of a person is a good or a bad deed which is stored and determines the events in one’s future lives. One is born time and time again to face the consequences of one’s actions in previous life.’ Karma of a person influences his lifestyle and all is required of a person is to keep the vigil check of the nine gates which means the nine sense organs so as to perform true karma and the emotional well being of a person can make him perform the actions in the right direction. In absence of this, it is a mental Depression with higher rate in emotional drawback and difficult coping to control anger, fear, anxiety, hatred, hopelessness and so on. Emotional flings rules over the life if work patterns too are not channelised in a systematic way. Disorganization at all levels adds to further loops and all way through this is ‘Thought Factory’.

Emotional views…..

WB01575_.gif (252 bytes) When we hate our enemies, we give them power over us. Power over our sleep, appetites and our happiness. They would dance with joy if they knew how much they were worrying us. Our hate is not hurting them at all but it is turning our own days and nights into hellish turmoil"  -Dale Carnegie from How to Stop worrying and start living

WB01575_.gif (252 bytes) Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others, even a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences – of taste, temperament, mood. With other human beings, vision becomes double vision. We are busy wondering what does my companion see or think of this? And what do I think of it? Alone, we cannot afford to be wholly whatever we are, and to feel whatever we feel absolutely. That is great luxury.
-May Sarton from The New York Times

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