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Rant of The Moment

I've learned that friends come and go, but with every
meaningful relationship comes some element of change.
Sometimes the change is good, sometimes it isn't. I truly
believe that if you think have more close friends than you can
count one one hand, that you have never really been a friend
at all.

I hate the state of the world, but I hate being angry about it
as well. I strive to see beauty in the tainted, and see past
the illusions all around us. I am not an optimist, but I am not
skeptic either. I love the color green, the feeling of dancing as though
nobody was watching, and listening to music that moves me.

I work to live, and I feel ill at the thought of those who
live to work. And I really wonder how many people at the end
of their lives wish they had worked harder.

I hate being asked, "when are you going back to school" or
"what do you to want to be/do" Am I truly the only one that
finds it insane that are passions have to be tied to our
finances? Is following the pursuit of corporate life really a
more commendable success than being a good friend? For me,
success will have nothing to do with a monetary career, but simply the
sense that I have balanced caring for those I love, and
actually using my talents to make the world a better place.
But I feel very alone in that. What happenend to morals? Why
is it that so many people are willing to stab their best
friend in the back to get "something"??? I will never
understand that.

It sucks that anger is seen as a negative trait when it can
actually be a driving force for change. If everyone was happy
this whole screwed up world would stay the same. And to me
that is the scariest thought of all.
