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Kennedy and the Unseen Hand

(un-edited) Copyright 1996

Oswald the Russian Patsy

I for one believe that Lee Harvey Oswald since day-one was designated to be a patsy.He was an off the shelf fall guy if you like. Oswald served as a radaroperator at Atsugi Japan, home of the U-2 spy plane. It was used for spyflights over the Soviet Union. The U-2 was one of the most top secret blackproject of it's day. As a radar operator, Oswald (according to Mark Lane)had knowledge of:

Soon Oswald allegedly defected to the Soviet Union offering them secretsgained as a radar operator. Did the Russians take the information. I wouldhave to say yes. While in the Soviet Union, Oswald was given a good job andlived in a better than average dwelling. If the Soviets ignored what Oswaldhad to say, he would have not been allowed to stay as they did not runcharities.

On January 7th 1960, Oswald arrived in Minsk. On May 1st 1960, pilotFrancis Gary Powers was shot down in his U-2 spy plane. Is this justcoincidence? The U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers was ordered tophotograph an area in the Soviet Union, and now for the firsttime he was given a flight that was on a "straight line" heading. This was a major no-no. This would only act as an advantage for the Soviets totrack the plane. On a straight line it is fairly easy to predict in advancewhere the plane will be at any given time.

Because the U-2 spy plane flew at such high altitudes it was untouchablefrom Soviet jets and SAM anti-aircraft missiles. But in Power's case, Col.Fletcher Prouty (Chief Special Operations at the Pentagon from 1960-63)concluded from technical evidence that Power's plane was flying at a loweraltitude when brought shot at. The Soviets claimed to have shot the planedown, but according to press reports, the plane was reported to have ran out of fuel and crash landed.

After being released from the Soviet Union, Power's resettled in America,then in 1977 had stated publicly that believed his plane had a bomb on boardwhich had brought his plane down allowing him to be captured by the Russians.Later after this statement was made he was killed in a helicopter crash. Itwas reported that he ran out of gas even when it was shown that he had filledup with fuel.

As you can see, there is good circumstantial evidence that Powers' flightwas set to fail, but why? President Eisenhower was on acampaign of peace. To the Military Industrial Complex and the CIA, the word"peace" is a four letter word. If there is peace in the world, then there isnot support for the CIA and no billion dollar level of profits for the armsindustry. Peace does not generate profits. The CIA had made millionsfrom the Viet Nam war. Simply put, war is a cash cow. Who profits from it?The Military Industrial Complex, the banks, the petroleum industry and theCIA do. All of them are so interconnected that is it almost impossible totell them apart from each other.

The amazing thing is that the average Joe never pays for these profits.Let's say they create a new million dollar fighter jet called X. Where doesthe money come from in order to buy a squadron of them. It comes from thegovernment. Where does the government get the money. They get it from thebanks. Where does the government get the money to pay the banks? They getit through us the taxpayers. Not only that, the corporations that areinvolved in the creation and production of jet X receive massive subsidiesfor their effort. In other words, corporate welfare.

In an article by Jim Hightower called THE PENTAGON'S TAX BITE, Jim statesthe following: " least six-out-of-every-ten dollars that we sent toUncle Sam on April 15 will go to the Pentagon and its military contractors. Billion a year goes to this military establishment, not countingbillions more it gets indirectly through the budgets of NASA, StateDepartment and others.

Congress and the White House literally throw our money at thismilitary-industrial complex, even though it is the most bloated, fraud-riddenbureaucracy in the whole federal government....remember those $1,200 toiletseats, $600 hammers and other rip-offs the Pentagon was buying from itspampered contractors in the 1980s? Well, don't look now, but . . .they're baaaack. In fact, they never went away -- it's just that the mediaquit reporting these scams. Maybe that's because much of the media is nowowned by -- believe it or not -- Pentagon contractors. For example, GE andWestinghouse, two of the biggest recipients of Pentagon money, own NBC andCBS."

In Eisenhower's case, he was being told by the CIA that there was amassive bomber gap between the United States and the Soviet Union.Eisenhower did not seem to trust the information that was being fed him, thusthe green light was given to build and fly the U-2. He felt that he neededhard evidence to verify what he was being told by those that had much to gainby a massive arms build up.

In the final analyses it turned out that there was never a bomber gap.The fact was that the Soviets were far behind America in bomber production.At this point in time Eisenhower was nothing morethan a pawn in this intelligence shell game. The Military Industrial Complexwas merely creating a market for their arms industry.

Eisenhower had made great advances for peace by opening up dialoguebetween himself and Khrushchev the leader of the Soviet Union. Theculmination of his "crusade for peace" was a planned peace summit meetinginvolving the leaders of the United States, USSR, France, and Britain. Outof this was expected to come a new nuclear test ban treaty. This was to bean historic event and in good faith Eisenhower had stopped all covertaggression in Cuba and Tibet.

This meeting was to never become a reality. On May 1st 1960, prior to thesummit, the U-2 spy plane was shot down. Needless to say, Khrushchev wasoutraged and voiced his anger at the summit meeting. World peace now was nowon the back burner once again.

Eisenhower had mistakenly stepped on the toes of the military industrialgiant. Not only did he campaign for peace, but he also refused to back theCIA's Hungarian uprising in 1956 that could of led to nuclear war. Democracyis merely an illusion. We vote a man into office to act as a leader to ourcountry who in turn is told what to do by the power brokers. It'sinteresting to see how Nixon after following the path of peace set byEisenhower soon found himself out of office.Here is an excerpt of Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation January 17,1961:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition ofunwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrialcomplex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists andwill persist.We must never let the weight of this combination endanger ourliberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Onlyan alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the hugeindustrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods andgoals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Also President Harry S. Truman wrote an article for the Washington Postdated December 21, 1963 giving a similar warning. In it he stated :

"For sometime now I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been divertedfrom it's original assignment. It has become an operational and at times apolicy-making arm of the government...and a subject for cold war enemypropaganda."

So what does this all have to do with Oswald's defection to the the Soviet Union? Allen Dulles the CIA Director had stated at a secret congressional hearing (de-classified 1975), that he "assumed" that that the flight of Francis Gary Powers was sanctioned by Eisenhower. In fact it wasn't. Now if this had led to a full scale investigation by the President, it could all be blamed on a defector named Lee Harvey Oswald. The CIA through Oswald had a "plausible denial." It wouldn't be the the fault of the CIA, it would be the fault of the Oswald defector that had given away all the flight information about the U-2 spy plane. It's then Oswald would of have been front page news for entirely different reason.

In his book called "Operation Overflight," Powers reviled that if Oswaldhad passed U-2 flight information to the Soviets, they may have indeed beencapable of shooting the U-2 down. He also stated that while beinginterrogated, the Soviets seemed to have special knowledge about the Atsugibase home of the U-2, and where Oswald worked as a radar operator. The Soviets have always maintained that they were never really interested in Oswald even though he had knowledge of radar techniques and operationalaltitudes.

Oswald had written his brother Robert saying how he had met Powers. Inthe letter he stated that"He seemed to be a nice bright American-type fellow when I saw him in Moscow."

If the Soviets were not interested in Oswald, how is it that he happened to meet Francis Gary Powers when Powers was being held in prison for questioning? U-2 flights were flying over the Soviet Union with complete freedom, I am sure that the Russians would have been more than interested in what Oswald had to say!

written by:

Richard Vizzutti