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Did Connally Lie?


I heard--you know how we were seated in the car, the President and Mrs. Kennedy, John was in front of the President and I was seated in front of Mrs. Kennedy--I heard a noise that I didn't think of as a gunshot. I just heard a disturbing noise and turned to my right from where I thought the noise had come and looked in the back and saw the President clutch his neck with both hands.

He said nothing. He just sort of slumped down in the seat. John had turned to his right also when we heard that first noise and shouted, "no, no, no,"and in the process of turning back around so that he could look back and see the President--I don't think he could see him when he turned to his right--the second shot was fired and hit him. He was in the process of turning, so it hit him through this shoulder, came out right about here. His hand was either right in front of him or on his knee as he turned to look so that the bullet went through him, crushed his wrist and lodged in his leg.And then he just recoiled and just sort of slumped in his seat.

I thought he was dead. When you see a big man totally defenseless like that, then you do whatever you think you can do to help most and the only thing I could think of to do was to pull him down out of the line of fire, orwhatever was happening to us and I thought if I could get him down, may be they wouldn't hurt him anymore. So, I pulled him down in my lap.

Then, I heard a third shot and felt matter cover us and she said, "They have killed my husband, I have his brains in my hand". I thought was John wasdead, and I heard the Secret Service man say, "Let's get out of here quick."So, we pulled out of the motorcade and we must have been a horrible sight flying down that freeway with those dying men in our arms and going to no telling where. We just see the crowds flashing by.

John said nothing. I said only to him from the time I saw one little movement, that maybe he is still alive, and, I kept whispering to him, "Be still, it is going to be all right, be still, it is going to be all right."

...We got to the hospital, I guess it was the hospital, the car stopped and John was still in my lap, but I knew he was alive and people were swarming all around the car.



According to Mrs. Connally when the first shot sounded, she 'saw the President clutch his neck with both hands.' 2nd SHOT: Connally is hit. "...the second shot was fired and hit him.Mrs. Connally clearly states in the above statement of hers that she pulls Mr. Connally down into her lap before the head shot to Kennedy. "...So, I pulled him down in my lap. Then, I heard a third shot and felt matter cover us and she said, "They have killed my husband, I have his brains in my hand."

The above statement by Mrs Connally does not appear to be seen on the Zapruder film. On the film we see Kennedy's head shot first, then Mrs. Connally is seen pulling Mr. Connally down to her lap! Clearly she has said in her testimony that she first pulls her husband down, then the head shot to Kennedy hits.


Mr. Cornwell, we had just turned to Elm. We had gone, I suspect, oh, 150, 200 feet when I heard what I thought was a rifle shot and I thought it came from--I was seated right, as you know, the jump seat right in front of the President, and they have a fairly straight back on them so I was sitting up fairly erect. I thought the shot came from back over my right shoulder, so I turned to see if I could catch a sight of the President out of the corner of my eye because I immediately had, frankly, had fear of an assassination because I thought it was a rifle shot.

I didn't think it was a blowout or explosion of any kind. I didn't see the President out of the corner of my eye, so I was in the process of, at leastI was turning to look over my left shoulder into the back seat to see if I could see him. I never looked, I never made the full turn. About the time I turned back where I was facing more or less straight ahead, the way the car was moving, I was hit. I was knocked over, just doubled over by the force of the bullet. It went in my back and came out my chest about 2 inches below and the left of my right nipple. The force of the bullet drove my body over almost double and when I looked, immediately I could see I was just drenched with blood. So, I knew I had been badly hit and I more or less straightened up. At about this time, Nelly reached over and pulled me down into her lap.


Where in the Zapruder film do we see Connally double over by the force of the bullet? Here again we see that when he was shot, Mrs. Connally pulled him down in to her lap. Then the head shot.

I was in her lap facing forward when another shot was fired. I only heard two shots. I did not hear the shot that hit me. I wasn't conscious of it. I am sure I heard it, but I was not conscious of it at all. I heard another shot. I heard it hit. It hit with a very pronounced impact, just [slap of hands] almost like that. Almost that loud a sound; it made a very, very strong sound.


At no time does Connally say he saw the President take a shot to the head. Why is because his head is in Mrs. Connally's lap facing forward as he stated.

Immediately, I could see blood and brain tissue all over the interior of the car and all over our clothes. We were both covered with brain tissue, and there were pieces of brain tissue as big as your little finger. It was something that was unmistakable. There was no question in my mind about what it was.

Then I said right after I was hit, I said, "My God, they are going to killus all." ....

The shots came, in my judgment, the two shots I heard came from the same direction, back over my right shoulder, came from behind us. Very clear to me where they came from. I don't think any shots came from any other direction. I was conscious until we hit the Stemmons Freeway and then I faded into unconsciousness.

I revived when the car came to a stop at what was Parkland Hospital.Apparently, the braking of the car--we must have been travelling at a enormous rate of speed--the braking of the car brought me back to consciousness and you know it is strange what thoughts run through yourmind.


"We heard a shot. I turned to my left -- I was sitting in the jumpseat I turned to my left to look in the back seat. The President had slumped.He had said nothing. Almost simultaneously, as I turned I was hit . . ."


Connally says nothing here about leaning against her? He states, "reclined with MY HEAD IN HER LAP.

"I knew that I had been hit...So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to___ I just sat there and Mrs.Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was I reclined with MY HEAD IN HER LAP,CONSCIOUS ALL THE TIME...of course the third shot sounded. and I HEARD the shot very clearly...It never entered my my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I HEARD IT." (4H132-133)


The sworn testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Connally contradict what is seen in the Zapruder film. Are they mistaken, or has the Zapruder film been altered to hide what really happened.

Written by:Richard Vizzutti