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Did the Driver Kill Kennedy?

I used to hear about how a few researchers felt that Kennedy as shot from the front by the driver Bill Greer. How silly right? Well maybe not as silly as you think. Huey Long was assassinated by one of his own body guards while a decoy was placed there to distract everybody's attention. Huey Long was shot with a pistol up close and at a point blank range.

Note too that Robert Kennedy was shot in pretty much the same manner. Sirhan Sirhan too was used as a decoy while the real shooter (a security guard), shot him in the back of the head with a handgun. In both cases security teams became part of the assassination. In both cases a hand gun was used up close while a decoy fall guy created much confusion up front.

The CIA manual on assassinations states:

If a pistol is used, it should be as powerful as possible and fired from just beyond reach. The pistol and the shotgun are used in similar tactical situations, except that the shotgun is much more lethal and the pistol is much more easily concealed. In the hands of an expert, a powerful pistol is quite deadly, but such experts are rare and not usually available for assassination missions.

But what if a hand gun is used up close by experienced bodyguards or Secret Service? Certainly they would be considered to be experts. Greer would certainly be capable of firing a head shot with a silenced pistol up close.

Here is what I think went down. The limo comes around the corner and the shots begin to sound. At this point the first head shot misses, but a silenced .22 manages to strike the President in the throat. The kill shot missed so it's time for phase two. A man thrusts his fist in the air. This is a signal to Greer to execute the final shot. He now slows the limo to a crawl, then from inside his coat he pulls his pistol out.

There is confusion with gun fire all around. Jackie and most spectators have their eyes on the President or they are looking around where they heard shots come from. Connally is down in his wife's lap at this time, (

Mrs. Connally's whole attention is on her injured husband. Greer is looking back with his silenced pistol out and now fires into Kennedy's head leaving a hole in the back of the head.

Just after this a bullet strikes the chrome window trimming just above Greer's head. Both men in the front duck down and the limo roars forward. Kennedy has been killed up close by a shot to the head by a person that was supposed to protect him. Why the hand gun up close? Because Kennedy was not allowed to ever leave the plaza alive. Why do we not see this in the Zapruder film? Because it has been altered to hide this very type of thing.


Shots ring out. Jackie panics. Instantly before more shots are fired, she pulls JFK down into the car. What then?Is the assassination a flop? No. As it goes you have to have someone in the limo armed and ready to act as a back up in case things go wrong. He also has to be angled to Kennedy so as not to have to turn right around in his seat. This creates too much attention. Things went sour when the first head shot missed. Ask anyone in the assassination business. Tell them of the situation in Dealey Plaza. You always have decoy shooters to create a lot of confusion, then you hit with the kill shot up close. The road had bends in it and it was on a slope. This makes it a very hard shot! But with a shooter in the limo, chances of success are 100%!!! Richard Vizzutti