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So who is the one that had the most to gain and the power to cover up the assassination? Believe it or not Lyndon B. Johnson.

1. He was the one who was directly involved in the planning of the motorcade?

2.Whose best friend was in charge of the FBI?

3. Whose strongest supporters who were some of the powerful oil men in Dallas?

4. Who strongly urged Kennedy to go to Dallas? Who had major scandals coming to light?

5. Who wanted to be President so bad that people felt he would do anything to get there?

6. Who was going to be dumped by Kennedy in the 1964 campaign?

7. Who was the man that gave orders to have the President's blood soaked car washed out with soap and water destroying evidence?

8. Who was the man that had Connally's suit dry cleaned destroying even more evidence?

9. Who controlled the investigation by forming the Warren Commission?

10. Who was the one that had complete control over the Commission?

Madeline Brown was Johnson's mistress for over 20 years claims that Johnson had told her that Kennedy was going to be killed in Dallas. Is this woman lying. I think not. I'm sure she would realise the abuse she would receive from a patriotic public.

Also there was Jack Ruby who had smuggled some letters out of jail nailing Johnson to a wall: "First you must realise that the people here want everyone to think that I am crazy...isn't it strange that Oswald should be fortunate enough to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository Building two weeks before? Only one person could have had that information and that man was Johnson...because he was the one who was going to arrange the trip...the only one who gained by the shooting...they alone planned the killing, by they I mean Johnson and may learn quite a bit about Johnson and how he has fooled everyone...the whole thing is a conspiracy. The world will never know the true facts." Ruby was so right. Over 30 years later and the world still does not know the truth!

Johnson was the one man who had the motive, means, opportunity, and power to cover-up the assassination. In 1963 his political career was in complete jeopardy. He had become a target for public scandal and was going to be dumped by Kennedy from the 1964 Presidential ticket. His entire life's dream was beginning to slip through his hands. Does this not indicate a man who had nothing to lose.

In Oct. of 63, things were heating up bad for Johnson. It was at this time that Bobby Baker had to step down as Sec. to the Majority Leader.The Bobby Baker scandal was now at full steam. Kennedy was now informing the press that when the Baker investigation was over, "others" were going to be investigated. Baker and Johnson were so close that Johnson had declared that Bobby Baker was like a son to him. But because of the "son's" indiscretions, the "father" was about to take some heat. Because of growing scandal, Johnson had nothing to loose and everything to gain. It is amazing though, how a few grams of lead changed all that over night!

At the democratic convention, Johnson was asked why he would ever consider stepping down from a powerful position of Majority Leader to take on the lowly job of Vice-President. Johnson then stated that he had been told that one quarter of all Presidents die in office. This is odd since this was the same reporters that he had spoken to a few hours earlier saying that he would never except a position on the Kennedy ticket.

Why should he leave the position of a Majority Leader for one of little power and to work for the man you hated the most? Why is because Johnson was being handled by people moving him into position. Note the words that he uses, "I have now learned that one out of every four Presidents die in office." The words "I have now learned" shows that he was being coached and moved into position. Most likely he was informed that one day soon, Kennedy was going to be taken out so it would well be worth his while to temporarily step down in his position of power.

Now it makes sense as to why Johnson would suddenly turn on his heels to except the ticket. This would be a piece of cake since Kennedy had been blackmailed into taking Johnson under his wing. The person that did the blackmail was none other than J.Edgar Hoover according to Anthony Summers. I strongly believe that Hoover was the man "handling" Johnson. With his friend Johnson in the Oval Office, Hoover's reign of power would be assured!

©Copyright 1997 Richard Vizzutti