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He was probably also a fudge-packer. Walker was thrown out of the Army by Kennedy, which Walker said was because of his Birch Society indoctrination of troops, but I think he was probably removed because he was seducing his troops with something besides politics. Walker was arrested for grabbing the cock of a Dallas undercover cop. Walker's hatred of Kennedy was well known, so there's the motive. Walker was a graduate of NMMI, the military school at Roswell, and perhaps Corso went there too. The all-male student body would have been a good source for gay military sexual predators, and there has been plenty of that at NMMI.

What I figured out is that the man with Oswald when he took the pot-shot at Walker was Jack Ruby. The description fit him perfectly. I believe the purpose of the "attempted assassination" was to distance Walker from the future assassination, because he most certainly associated with the people involved in the drag-circus that Garrison unearthed in New Orleans, which also had its counterpart in Dallas surrounding Jack Ruby, Walker, and Oswald, ALL GAY (or at least bisexual), and Garrison found all kinds of kinky neo-Nazi sex-freak paraphernalia in Clay Shaw's apartment in New Orleans, which was frequented by Ferrie, Shaw, Oswald, and Ruby, to name a few. To my knowledge there was no proof that Walker was present at the New Orleans "festivities", but the connections were there.

Though the affinity of the group was known to be right-wing, the news media cooperated in perpetuating the myth that Oswald had carried out activities of a left-wing nature, by changing the name of the group in news releases, from the (right wing) "Free Cuba Committee" to the (left-wing) "Fair Play for Cuba Committee". If there is an overlap between UFO's and JFK, it was through gay Nazi channels, because the gay Nazis hated Kennedy because of the heterosexual natureof his circle. There are naturally many gay or horribly twisted Nazi typesworking in CIA black operations, just as there were many such psycho-criminal sadist perverts working in the Nazi concentration camps in Europe (and in Yevrenty Beria's Communist camps under Stalin). Many of the people involved in the assassination were gay---Frank Costello (former president of the Cuban Communist Party, and later the mob-contact for the Castro assassination, who turned on Kennedy), Ruby, Oswald, Walker, Ferrie, Shaw, etc. LBJ was also closet-gay.

The long series of people who died after the assassination were witnesses to or functionaries in various parts of the operation: The microbiologist hired by Ferrie to figure out how to give people terminal cancer; the witnesses (such as Lenny Bruce) to these people all knowing each other, since they sometimes gathered at Jack Ruby's night club in Dallas; other witnesses in New Orleans who were present at a restaurant when they all got together (I knew two of these witnesses and they both died strangely, one being given some kind of drug which made him crazy); a whore with whom LBJ confided that Kennedy would be 'taken care of tomorrow', etc.

Bill Lyne