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My understanding of possible FBI/Oswald connections is as follows:

1) His being contacted by the FBI twice personally (that was

known) and his wife once, after his return.

2) His personal phonebook, which contained Hosty's lic. plate,

phone and office address.

3) The fact that entry was not reported by the FBI, at first, to

the Waren Commission.

4) His request for an FBI agent while detained in New Orleans.

5) His reportedly being 'handed a white envelope' by an FBI agent

at the N.O. garage he visited often.

6) Hoover's memo from 1960, mentioning Oswald and the possibility

of someone's using Oswald's ID.

7) The rumours of his being informant S-171, bandied around by the

District Attorney's office in Texas. (William Alexander, etc.)

8) The Warren Commission took the above allegations seriously.

9) FBI headquarters notifying the Dallas office that Oswald was

returning from Russia...two weeks before he did.

10) His activities in N.O. and Texas; contacting left-wing organi-

zations; leaflets; seeming Anti-Castro at times, etc.

11) His visit to Hosty's office, delivering a note - the actual

contents of which we'll never know because it was destroyed

by Hosty on orders.

12) The lack of the FBI "red flagging" his activities to other

agencies (re: passport, especially).

13) Oswald was seen repeatedly in the company of Warren DeBrueys,

FBI agent, at the "Habana" bar in New Orleans. This from Orest

Pena, who WAS an informant for the FBI, and the owner of the bar.

14) The allegation by William S. Walter, a security clerk for the

FBI office in New Orleans, who claimed to see an "informant file"

on Oswald at the time he asked for an FBI agent in jail there. His

tesimony is rather shaky, however.

All of the above point to some connections between the FBI andOswald of a more 'professional capacity'. However, the evidenceis still somewhat inconclusive.

But when you add the other factors and suggestions of intelligenceties; lack of a debriefing upon his return (officially, at first);lack of PROSECUTION or threat of prosecution for possibly disclosingmilitary information; quick passports; very quick discharge, etc.,the whole overview points to intel ties. ONI ? CIA ? FBI ?

Perhaps Oswald never knew who he was really working for. Handed around like a cheap hooker. Possible?

Written by:: John Austin