Most theories of gunshots, shooters, and wounds revolve around the Rosetta stone of the Zapruder film. If it is true that the film is altered, then there has to be a massive re-thinking take place.
I for believe that the film was altered. Why is because it is the best evidence of what had taken place. If they could alter that film, they could alter reality itself of what went down that day.
They would of clearly seen Zapruder standing there in the best position filming the entire event. So how is it that others had their cameras taken, and yet Mr. Zapruder just walks out of there with the greatest evidence ever. Did he just get lucky that day. Did he stand on a platform while fighting intense vertigo to film the President because he loved him so much. The only way Mr. Zapruder could get lucky is if there was no conspiracy. Knowing that this was a conspiracy of the highest level of planning, do you honestly think that the conspirators would of over-looked the fact that people would be filming that day?
The plan would of had to include a film that they could work on. They needed a man to film from a prime position in order to have good film to work with. Cover stories would have to be arranged by the filmer and his handlers. Also the handlers would have to be people that were close to the filmer.
Sure there is a lot of debate as to whether there was opportunity and time to alter the film. This is because we do not have all the information needed. There is a lot of disinformation and cover stories that need to be done away with first. But in order to keep the assassination confused, there would have to be disinfo-moles kept on the NGs. These people would see to it that they would not be there to challenge all issues, but only the key areas. These key topics would be the Autopsy and the Zapruder film. These are the two pillars of the assassination, and it is of prime importance to create smoke around the two subjects. They do it in the media with Dan Rather and others, so most assuredly they would do it in the NGs. These moles may be paid, blackmailed, or given unseen perks for doing so.
The fact is that if you control the film, (as well as the autopsy), you control the assassination. With the film altered they could alter where Kennedy was shot on the road. In the end we all think we have the wounds and locations all figured out, then at that time we would actually know NOTHING. And that my friend, is the whole point of a conspiracy of this magnitude.
Richard Vizzutti