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Let us say there is a land that is free and and self sufficient. Let's call it Wonderland. In Wonderland the people grow their own food, catch fish from the sea, and herd animals for meat. They have a good life. The sun always shining through a deep blue sky, and the air is pure as the people are happy. Then American business men come with their brief cases.

After Americans arrive they buy up all the surrounding country sides. The trees are cut down as factories are being built on prime farmland. Other prime lands are set up to grow coffee and bananas for overseas markets. By the sea fish factories are set up to exploit the bounty of Wonderland. All the natural resources of Wonderland are now for sale to the world markets.

The people of the Wonderland now have very little land in which to grow their crops and end up working for the American and multinational factories for peasant wages in order to feed and clothe their families. The people of Wonderland are now taking out loans to pay for mortgages and to some how get a head. More and more banks sprout up across the country.

Soon the time comes when the people say enough is enough. Election day comes and they vote in candidate Mr. Good who has the courage to take a stand against the take over of his land and people. Once elected, the US media begins to report that Wonderland has voted in a "Communist" leader. CIA backed riots (paid stooges) now upset the balance of the country. The American press chants that the people of Wonderland are up in arms resisting the "Communist" take over of their society. At this time the US hires mercenaries to fight for "freedom and democracy" in the big bad Wonderland.

Civil war is in full swing while Congress votes to fund the "freedom fighters." After all, war is money. The banks loan the government of Wonderland the money at high interest rates while the people pay higher taxes to the government so that the loans to banks can be paid off. But they never will. The banks are now in a feeding frenzy.

After sometime the CIA overthrow the government of Wonderland with a military coup. Mr. Good the leader is now exiled or shot by firing squad. The CIA then creates a bogus election and a dictator is voted into power. The people of Wonderland now pick up their firearms to over throw the tyranny. There was a gun control law put in to effect before hand, but most people simply buried all extra guns and ammo. The newly elected dictator begins an extermination plan to keep the people muzzled and controlled.

The problem now is that Mr. Dictator is getting carried away in his atrocities against the people. He is paranoid and out of control. It's now revealed for the first time that the Dictator is selling arms to China and or producing cocaine for abroad. Suddenly it is reported that a handful of American tourists are butchered by the Dictator's armies. This ugly crime will not go unpunished cries the American President. He goes on to say that the Marines are being sent to restore "democracy" to evil Wonderland. Like modern day Nazis they storm the country raping and killing every thing in sight. Wonderland is now completely broken and now totally submissive to the American butchers.

The people of Wonderland now have "democracy" in their land. They eat at McDonalds and shop at Wal Mart. The blue skies are now clouded with grey smoke. More and more men are taking out bank loans to pay for the massive hospital bills. They all suffer from the effects of toxins from the factory. The children have become drug addicts hanging out in bars. Since the gambling houses moved in, the mafia have set up whore houses near the factory areas. Wonderland is no more. But they have their democracy.

There are some people that will find this story much to bizarre to be real. Well it is real, and parts of the Wonderland story are seen in the struggles of Iran, Guatemala, Zaire, Cuba, Vietnam, The Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Greece, Chile, Laos, Cambodia, Angola, Libya, Grenada, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iran/Contra, Afghanistan, South Pacific, Panama, Iraq, Haiti, Yugoslavia, and more to come. In each of the above there was a strong CIA presence.

Since the CIA has a such a strong presence in in the world, you can rest assured that they have even a stronger presence in America. Remember Dallas Nov. 22, 1963. America is no more!

By: Richard Vizzuuti ©