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The Zapruder Film

Dr. David Mantik, who has a doctorate also in physics, has reportedtoday that using mathmatics to determine angles of view from theZapruder viewpoint, he has proved that EVERY FRAME OF THE Z FILM HAS BEEN SIGNIFICANTLY CROPPED AND ENLARGED. He challenges others(including the justice department) to duplicate his math. He performed the same math with the Zfilm and the Nix film. The Nix film passedthe math test. The Zfilm DID NOT!

When this proof is understood by all, nobody can doubt that theENTIRE FILM has been severely animated. No other proof will be necessary, for the extant film CANNOT HAVE BEEN SHOT IN THE ZAPRUDER CAMERA.Will the justice department stonewall, as they have so often before?

Jack White


JFK Zapruder Film researchers

At the Lancer and COPA conferences where it was shown, at least 100 persons asked if they could order a video copy of my Zapruder presentation. Having finished it only last Tuesday, I did not have extra copies for sale at the conferences, but promised that I would announce details when available. Please spread the word to those not on the internet.

The video now is available by mail order. The $25 cost includes $20 for the video and $5 for tax, packaging, postage and handling. No credit cards, billing or special treatment available.

Send orders with $25 check or money order to:

Jack White JFK Educational Research

JFK Video

704 Candlewood Road

Fort Worth, TX 76103

Make checks payable to JFK VIDEO.

Allow 2 weeks for delivery, as video copies will not be produced till orders are received. This is a professionally produced video.

Be sure to include a LEGIBLE name and mailing address. (Some handwriting is very bad; please print or type.)

Anyone who orders the video understands the following: The video is for personal historical research. The video is presented as critique/commentary. The video may not be shown commercially, copied or sold. The video MAY be shown for news or educational use. The video MAY be copied for free distribution to news media (print or TV). The video MAY be copied for free distribution to governmental persons (your senator or represenatative, or Department of Justice)

THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX presents DEFINITIVE proof of tampering of the Zapruder film. It runs 45 minutes. As a bonus for those ordering, the video also contains a 15-minute interview of French journalist William Reymond by Jim Marrs. Reymond tells Marrs of having been shown by French intelligence a copy of the Zapruder film which is UNALTERED.

Jack White