Tussie-Mussies are old-fashioned bouquets with meaning.
These little nosegays carried great meaning during the Victorian era.
Men were careful to gather the appropriate flowers to express their
true feelings to a lady. That language of flowers is all but
forgotten these days, but there is still something
enchanting about giving a nosegay of fragrant hand picked flowers
from your garden or a summer meadow.
Making a Tussie-Mussie:
Gather your plant material (see the list below for suggestions) with
the language of flowers in mind. If it is a special gift you might
want to include a little note or write a poem with the meanings of
the various flowers.
Place all of your flowers and foliage in
a small pale of warm water.
Clean each stem of lower leaves
and any blemished foliage.
Cut the stem at an angle under water,
this will allow the air in the stem to be released
and encourage the plant to take up more water.
Once you have cleaned all of your plant material set it
aside in a fresh container of warm water.
Take a paper doily and cut a x shaped slit in the center.
Arrange your flowers and foliage in a pleasing way.
Make a slight
rise in the center of the bouquet with more foliage towards the
outside of the arrangement.
Wrap the stems with some florist tape
and place through the center of the doily.
Use two or three
muted colors of thin ribbon to finish wrapping the bouquet.
This is a wonderful gift to put on your summer table or bedside
table or to give to a special friend.
Below is a list of plants and the meanings
traditionally attributed to them.
Angelica- inspiration
Basil - love, good wishes
Bay- achievement and fame
Beebalm- virtue
Bell Flower- gratitude
Borage- bravery
Chamomile- wisdom, fortitude
Chervil- sincerity
Chives- usefulness
Costimary- sweetness
Dill- good cheer, survival in the face of odds
Fennel- power, and endurance
Scented Geranium- happiness
Speedwell- female fidelity
Goldenrod- encouragement
Iris- pure heart, faith
Lady's Mantle- protection
Lavender- devotion
Lemon Balm- sympathy, regeneration
Marjarum- joy
Mint- refreshment
Mugwort- pleasant journeys
Parsley- merriment
Rose- love, success
Rosemary- remembrance
Sage- long life, wisdom
Salad Burnett- cheerful disposition
Santolina- full of virtue
Savory- interest
Sweet Woodruff- humble spirit
Tarragon- lasting involvement
Thyme- daring
Violet- modesty, devotion
Yarrow- health
The warmth of your skin releases the bead's rich musk rose scent.
In an enamel saucepan put one pound red rose petals, just covering
with water. Heat gently for one hour but do not allow to boil.
Cover and let stand over night, repeating the process three
more times. On the fourth day the petals and water will be reduced
to a smooth paste, take a small amount and roll it between your
palms forming beads a 1/4 inch in diameter. Pierce each one with a
needle for stringing, let the beads dry on newspaper in a
warm closet. Thread the beads onto silk thread for your necklace.
These beads will last for years, retaining their fragrance
and turning a polished red sienna color.
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