Each Character who explored the planet wore a leather flying helmet under their space helmet. Yet when Kane's helmet is cut off to reveal the facehugger, his leather helmet has vanished.
The alien's tail snakes between Lambert's feet, but it's not her feet that are shown. Lambert wears cowboy boots; Kane wears joggers.
Jones, the cat usually has an "instinct" when the alien is around. He hisses and growls, but when the aliens bursts out of Kane He's just sitting on the counter eating.
During Parker's fight with Ash, the sleeve on his right shoulder suddenly becomes torn and a safety pin is visible holding it together. In the next shot we see his shirt intact and we see Ash tearing it.
When the alien is bursting out of Kane, the camera changes angle and there is a significant amount of blood missing from his shirt. Then when the angle changes again, the blood comes back.