<BGSOUND SRC="/me/dcdalien/a2melt.wav" LOOP=0>


an alien in the hive
Hudson and Vasquez watch out!!! Hudson shooting like a mad man! a close up of an alien's teeth (no cavitys!) it's Bishop! (DUUUH!) Ripley's apartment--yes! even in the future they're small! a close up of Hudson confronting Burke... all hail the queen! gearin' up EAT THIS! hasta la vista baby! an alien in the apc! an alien about to be shot kept in handy for close encounters
nice gun pose... QUEEN VS. RIPLEY uh....this is an alien Hicks shooting wildly QUEEN VS. RIPLEY round 2!
a marine an alien being shot! there's movement...
a happy ending..

Aliens: special edition pics

some company men Ripley's daughter an alien being shot at by a sentrygun Newt's dad being attacked by a facehugger Hudson: the ultimate badass! Burke cacooned (not in aliens S E)