Colours, Herbs, Days and Elements


This is a bit about colours, what they do,, what they means..

Red: energy, strenth, passion, love, goals and courage

Orange: business goals, justice and amition

Yellow: learning and breaking mental blocks

Green: finaces, luck, physical healing, growth and firtility

Blue: wisdom, protection, calm, creativity and patients

Purple: spirital power, ambition, physic ability, third eye and independence

Pink: romantic and peace

Sliver: telepathy, intution, dreams and astral energy

Black: protection, repelling, binding, meditation and banishing


Sunday: Ruled by sun, power magic and health

Monday: ruled by moon, intuition, dreams physic ability and female firtility

Tuesday: Ruled by mars, courage, strenth, energy, breaking negitivity

Wednsday: Ruled by murcury, diviation, communication and wisdom

Thursday: Ruled by jupiter, happiness, luck, male firtility legal matters and wealth

Friday: Ruled by venus, love sexual matters, marrage and friends

Saturday: Ruled by saturn, defence, meditation and physic abilities


Anise: Purfification, protection and keeps away nightmares

Basil: Purification, love and property protection

Chamomile: Prosperity, meditation and calmness

Dill: Seeds: draw protection and money Flower: love

Hazel: mental powers and firtility

Nutmeg: clairvoyancy, prosperity

Rosemary: blessing, memory and protects from negitivity

Peperment: healing and purification

thyme: burn for purfifcation

Yarrow: for a happy marrige


EARTH: a feminine element>>NORTH<<

AIR: a masculine element>>EAST<<

FIRE: a masculine element>>SOUTH<<

WATER: a feminine element>>WEST<<
