Simple Tools Of Wicca

These are some simple tools that are used in Wicca/pagan rituals, altho you can just use candles if thats what feels best for YOU..

Book Of Shadows

The book of shadows is a book of your own personal rituals and spells, thoughts and feelings. Most are handwritten in leatherbound books but you can keep it a notebook..or on your computer if you find that better..its really up to you.


Is a magical knife not used for cutting perposes or outside of a circle. It is commonly linked with the element 'Fire' and has normally got a black or dark handle to absorb the power.


Corrosponds with the element 'Water' which it can be filled with or fires can be lit in. Cauldrons are often iron with three legs and come in a whole range of sizes.


The Wand stands for the element of 'air', used for stiring and making symbols in the dirt, they are made of wood and some personlise there with symbols of meaning to themselves.
