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Welcome to Todd's Deer Hunting Page. I am trying to make a fun, informative page that everyone can enjoy. Feel free to e-mail me your deer hunting stories to be published on my page (and no, they don't have to be trophy buck stories, just interesting deer stories everyone can relate to.) Be sure to send pictures too! (In JPG or GIF format perferably!) If you would like a link to your hunting page, send it to me along with a banner or logo if you have one. I am also now collecting venison recipes. If you have a good one, send it to me so I can try it and see if it's good enough to be on my page. Do you have a hunting related question? Post it on the new Deer Hunter Message Board. I also now have the Deer Hunter Chat Room up and running. Above all, please sign my guest book and tell me what you think. I will respond to all your comments. Your help in making this a decent page is appreciated.

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Webmaster's Notes - April 14, 2000
Hello again fellow hunters. I have updated once again, so here are some new features to check out. I added a new section, devoted to two of my biggest supporters Steve and Josh. These guys are responsible for about half the pictures you see in this site. Also, I am looking for web hosting. If you know of anything, or are a business who is willing to provide me with some space, please contact me. Until next time, hunt well and hunt safe.

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Updated on: April 15, 2000