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Justin's True Story

It was early in the season this year and a cold front was passing through. I had just gotten my new Winchester .270 and I thought i would try it out. I climbed into the stand at 2:30. Ten minutes of sitting and and i had already seen a small doe. I knew that this was a sign that they where moving early. Five turkeys scared the doe off. In an hour the front started moving through. I saw a doe and a yearling. When the feeder went off it scared them off. They came back and were in the edge of the woods. Something caught my eye coming through the thicket. At first i thought it was a spike. I looked at it through the binoculars, it was a 7 point. I raised my rifle, the deer ran. I thought i had messed up. It came back. I knew it was behind a big oak tree so i got ready. It walked into the open and stopped. I saw it through the scope at 150yds. It looked up about the time i shot. Right behind the shoulder, a clean hit. I watched it drop in my corn pile. I climbed out of the stand and went to look. It was a beauty 170 lbs. and 10in. wide. I dragged it as far as possible then had to get help. It was a great feeling to take my first buck.

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