The Black Hand Expansion

All crypt cards are U2. Library cards listed as "U2" are actually interspersed on the common sheet, but occur at the same frequency as a U2 would. Library cards that are listed as "U" are simply found once on the uncommon sheet.

A spoiler list of just the Black Hand cards (including reprints) is available in plain text.

Doctor Streck Brujah antitribu
Henry Taylor Brujah antitribu
Mariano Pomposo Brujah antitribu
Miguel Santo Domingo Brujah antitribu
Sela Brujah antitribu Adv
Wah Chun-Yuen Brujah antitribu
Jalan-Aajav Gangrel antitribu
Jesús Alcalá Gangrel antitribu
Maria Stone Gangrel antitribu
Sébastian Goulet Gangrel antitribu Adv
Skryta Zyleta Gangrel antitribu
Soldat Gangrel antitribu
Banjoko Lasombra
Henri Lavenant Lasombra
Hester Reed Lasombra
Nahir Lasombra
Tabitha Fisk Lasombra
Aristotle de Laurent Malkavian antitribu
Hannibal (reprint) Malkavian antitribu
Midget Malkavian antitribu
Rodolfo Malkavian antitribu
Mateusz Gryzbowsky Nosferatu antitribu
Tarbaby Jack Nosferatu antitribu
Teresita, The Godmother Nosferatu antitribu
Yong-Sun, Harmonist Nosferatu antitribu Adv
Olga Triminov Pander
Jessica (reprint) Toreador antitribu
Nicholas Chang Toreador antitribu
Rosa Martínez Toreador antitribu
Yitzak Toreador antitribu
Goratrix Tremere Adv
Marino Reymundo Vásquez Tremere antitribu
Selena Tremere antitribu
Yasmin the Black Tremere antitribu
Ana Rita Montaña Tzimisce
Kazimir Savostin Tzimisce
Piotr Andreikov Tzimisce
Szechenyi Jolán, Mother of Horrors Tzimisce
Blackhorse Tanner Ventrue antitribu
Charice Fontaigne Ventrue antitribu
Dominique Ventrue antitribu Adv
Katherine Stoddard Ventrue antitribu
Owain Evans, The Wanderer Ventrue antitribu
Sister Evelyn Ventrue antitribu
Yazid Tamari Assamite
Ezekiel, Lord of Montreal Follower of Set
Ignazio Giovanni Giovanni
Zip Ravnos

Abyssal Hunter R2
Admonitions, The U
Alpha Glint C
Animal Magnetism C
Art of Memory, The U2
Babble C
Black Gloves R
Blooding C
Bloodwork C
Brick Laying C
Capitalist C
Celestial Harmony R
Chalice of Kinship R
Chill of Oblivion R
Chronicle of the Lost Tribe R
Circumspect Revelation C
Communal Haven: Cathedral U2
Consignment to Duat C
Corporal Reservoir C
Corpse Balloon C
Council of Seraphim R
Creep Show C
Crusade: Barcelona R
Crusade: Brussels R
Crusade: Rome R
Deed the Heart's Desire C
Deep Cover Agent R
Deploy the Hand C
Día de los Muertos R
Dominion C
Ebony Fox Hunt U
Extremis Boon R
Flaming Candle R
Foundation Exhibit R2
Gemini's Mirror C
Guru C
Hand Intervention C
Information Network R2
Inscription U
Iron Glare C
Kaymakli Barrier R
Last Stand R
Legwork C
Lessons in the Steel R
Local 1111 R
Loyalist C
Marijava Thuggee U2
Martial Ritus C
Mask Empathy R
Masque of Judas C
Mayaparisatya C
Mesmerize R
Ministry C
Mistrust R
Path of Death and the Soul R
Path of Evil Revelations R
Quicken Sight C
Random Patterns C
Recure of the Homeland U
Remover C
Resilient Mind R
Reunion Kamut C
Rooftop Shadow C
Seraph U2
Shakar C
Shape Mastery R
Sibyl's Tongue R2
Sire's Index Finger R
Social Ladder R
Sociopath C
Specialization R
Stealth Ritus C
Talons of the Dead R2
Tenebrous Form C
Thin-Blooded Seer R
Trainer R
Typhonic Beast C
Under the Skin C
Vendetta R2
Vox Domini R
Vox Senis C
Watch Commander C
Watchtower: Chosen are Called R
Watchtower: Four Ride Forth R2
Watchtower: Greatest Fall R
Weeping Stone R
Weirding Stone R
Winchester Mansion R
WMRH Talk Radio R
Zillah's Tears C

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