Dan Keller of Washington, DC was declared the winner with 1.5 victory points in the Finals of the Baltimore Purge VTES Tournament February 8, 2003. The game went to time after 16-turns. Survivors of the final (in order) with 0.5 VPs each, were: Jason Babbit of Manassas, VA; Greg Williams of Elkton, MD; and Blake Stewart of Hanover, MD. Josh Duffin of Bethesda, MD made an early exit (ouch!) in the finals after finishing the preliminaries with the highest ranking.
The tournament was held at Games and Comics…and Stuff in Beautiful Downtown Glen Burnie, MD. Thanks to Beth and Ed. Thanks also to Greg for the loan of his Apple computer and to Josh for providing the Finalist and crew with an ample supply of expresso coffee beans covered with dark chocolate to keep us alert and uppitty during the night. Thanks to all 15 Methuselahs that came and thanks to all for saving the last Wind Dance (event promotion card) for me.
Rank/Name..................City...........Prelim GWs... Prelim VPs...Final VPs...TPsTurn 1: everyone influenced
Turn 2: Jason played Club Zombie; Josh played Bastille Opera House and flipped Muse; Blake flipped Roman Alexander.
Turn 3: Jason flipped Dorian Strack; Dan flipped Amelia, The Blood Red Tears; Josh drew first blood then flipped Deliah Monroe; Greg flipped Bartholomew; Blake attempted to equip with a laptop but Jason blocked and pulled out a concealed 44 in the ensuing combat that ended with Blake’s (one of many) Earth Meld. Blake flipped Navar McClaren.
Turn 4: Jason Blood Dolled and attempted to bleed Dan. Dan responded by throwing two gates while Jason was able to squeeze off two shots in the second round of combat. Alas, Dorian was torpped. Jason flipped Zoe. Dan bled Josh for one and brought out Calebros, The Martyr. Josh rescued Dorian and bled Greg before a frenzy and a Free States Rant. Bartholomew equipped with a 44. Blake played Unnatural Disaster on Club Zombie (This would not be the last time Jason would find the club in his hand; however, as Dan was soon to influence Jara Drory allowing Dan, during his untap phase, to look at a card at random from Jason’s hand, and burn a blood to exchange that card with a card from Jason’s ash heap...usually Club Zombie, which at a cost of four pool became a little too pricey for Jason in the latter stages of the game). Blake flipped Gitane St. Claire.
Turn 5: Jason hunted; Dan retained an Owl; Josh bled and got into combat over another FSR, and was torpped. Blake Booned and Josh flipped another Siren, Angela Preston. Greg influenced; Blake’s bleed and Army of Rats were thwarted as Jason shot Navar into torpor. Roman got a laptop.
Turn 6: Jason flipped Greta; Dan bled for one, twice, and flipped Jara; Josh hunted with Deliah and called a KRC with Muse, three to Greg and one to Blake. Josh’s second KRC failed. He paid one and hunted. Greg whipped out Mr. Winthrop and Marconious. Blake rescued Navar with Gitane but was stopped on the hunt. Camille Devereux flipped.
Turn 7: Jason bled for one; Dan had his Tribute to the Master suddened by Josh, so he bled Josh for one, three times; Josh bled for two, took some damage and saw Muse enter torpor. Greg Governed the Unaligned at superior. Blake had his Blood Doll suddened. Gitane did a restoration and an Army of Rats took this time. Eventually Blake would have three AoR cards on the table.
Turn 8: Jason bled for one and rescued Muse; Dan was unable to bleed and got a Raven Spy; Josh was unable to hunt with Muse who then got torpped, but was able to call a KRC with three to Greg and one to Dan. Gael Pilet was flipped. Greg Blood Dolled and Blake did a Restoration on Roman.
Turn 9: Jason still had pool and tried to replay the Club Zombie that Dan kept giving him, but Dan suddened it. Dan attempted a bleed but entered combat with Gael instead, hitting her for two. Dan bled for one. Josh had all his actions fail and looked wistfully at his two remaining pool. Greg Blood Dolled and flipped Kassiym Malikhair; Blake had his three bleed bounced to Dan where they played patty cake, one and one. Blake added a laptop to his growing clutch of bleeders.
Turn 10: Jason’s two bleed turned into a patty cake combat, one and one. Dan made three attempts to bleed out Josh; one got through, but the others were stopped, including an Eagle’s Sight from Jason that permitted a combat. Josh, down to one pool, bled for two with Daring the Dawn, sending Angela to torp. Greg Goverened at superior. Blake placed J.S. Simmons, Esq.
Turn 11: Jason cogitated. Dan bled out Josh and then got into combat with Greg (lots of Canine Hordes and earth swords from these two, respectively, throughout the game). Greg regrouped. Blake bled for one.
Turn 12: Jason Bled for one, twice. Dan hunted. Greg bled for one. Blake bled for four.
Turn 13: Jason bled for one. Dan burned a Blake AoR. Greg burned a Blake AoR. Blake stood pat.
Turn 14: Jason failed to burn the last AoR. Dan stayed pat. Greg bled for two. Blake had Jason down to one pool with his gnawing Rats.
Turn 15: Jason failed to burn the last AoR. Dan failed in two attempts to burn the Rats. Greg bled for one. Blake attempted to bleed out Jason but ended up bleeding Dan at three stealth. Blake burned his own Rats [Blake: cover your eyes and ears, you’ve heard it before. Blake could have bled out Jason with AoR on the next turn if they remained for the next turn].
Turn 16: Jason stood pat; Dan hunted and bled Blake for two on a deflection; Greg remained stoic; and Blake pondered as time expired.
Dan 1.5 VPs
Jason .5 VP
Greg .5 VP
Blake .5 VP
Josh 0.0 VP
Deck Name: Guns Don't Kill People, Vampires Do
Created By: Dan Keller
Description: Nosferatu Anti-Gun Combat/Toolbox
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 10, Max: 34, Avg: 5.33)
1 Cock Robin ANI aus for OBF POT 10, Nosferatu, Justicar
1 Casino Reeds ANI cel dem OBF POT 9, Nosferatu, Prince
1 Tammy Walenski ANI nec OBF POT tha 8, Nosferatu
1 Jara Drory ANI aus OBF pot 7, Nosferatu, Primogen
2 Calebros ANI obf pot 5, Nosferatu, Prince
2 Amelia ani obf POT 5, Nosferatu
2 Darva Felispa ani pot 3, Nosferatu
2 Mouse ani 2, Nosferatu
Library: (90 cards)
Master (18 cards)
2 Animalism
2 Archon Investigation
3 Blood Doll
2 Frenzy
1 KRCG News Radio
1 Obfuscate
1 Potence
1 Slum Hunting Ground
1 Special Report
2 Sudden Reversal
2 Tribute to the Master
Action (8 cards)
2 Army of Rats
3 Computer Hacking
1 Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight
2 Tier of Souls
Action Modifier (6 cards)
2 Cloak the Gathering
2 Faceless Night
2 Lost in Crowds
Reaction (13 cards)
7 Cats' Guidance
2 Guard Dogs
4 Wake with Evening's Freshness
Combat (37 cards)
6 Canine Horde
6 Carrion Crows
5 Drawing Out the Beast
4 Increased Strength
1 Shattering Blow
5 Taste of Vitae
5 Thrown Gate
5 Undead Strength
Retainer (5 cards)
1 J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1 Mr. Winthrop
1 Owl Companion
2 Raven Spy
Equipment (1 cards)
1 Laptop Computer
Combo (2 cards)
2 Swallowed by the Night
Dan Keller Comments: "I created this deck in response to the growing regularity of guns in our local (Washington, D.C.) play environment. The Thrown Gates were a recent addition to the deck, and I found during the course of play that the DOtBs were pretty much useless when I could strike at long range. So I will probably dump the DOtB's. Patagia will probably go too."
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