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Cats Only Page

My name is PC. I'm a tabby cat, age 1 yr and 2 months - in the prime of my youth!! For all you hunky males, I have greyish black fur, and a very beautiful tail. Oh, here, this is a picture of my beautiful self! I like cat-nip, lying in sunbeams, sitting on my oldest pet's shoulders, chasing mice, and scratching chairs. I don't like the outside much, I am more of an indoors girl. Every now and then I take my pets out for some fresh air, but I prefer to stay in the bushes and let them do the frolicking. My pets are very nice, well-behaved humans. Dave is the oldest, he is warm and fuzzy just like me. Roxanne is a lively creature, she likes to play, especially early in the morning and late at night. She likes to be by herself during the day, she goes off in a little red car. Lizzy is a lot younger than Roxanne. She likes to play with my litter box a lot. She's not as fun as Roxanne, she likes to go away during the day too. Sometimes in the morning, she locks herself in the pet-room with the running water (I will never understand humans) and she is very worried about what colour fur she wears every day. Finally, Chris is my youngest pet. He's very lively at times, but he likes being outside more than inside, so I don't play with him much. He also likes to lounge around, too. Sometimes Lizzy and Chris fight, and I have to stop them. They are so silly, they fight like.. dogs for Pete's sake!!
My greatest moment in life was the day I caught a mouse. I was 4 months old. It wasn't just an ordinary mouse, out for some snacking. It was a big, vicous, sinister-looking mouse. You know the type, beady eyes, flickering tail, small hands which always indicates a criminal.. he was daring to tear into a package of food I bought for my darling pets - imagine that!! He put up quite a fight, but in the end I was victorious. Good thing I'm around, or heaven only knows what my pets would do - they are so vulnerable and dependant on me!! I hope they know the time will come when they are grown-up and will have to move out on their own and make a living for themselves..there is only so much a cat can do!!
That is my life story. My pet Lizzy is now bugging me to use the computer. I'm the one who really knows how to use these things, of course, but she likes to tinker around on the net.. you might have been to her webpage, Lizzie's Domain. I helped her a lot with it, my original intention on AngelFire was to make my page.. however, recently I have been so busy (It's tanning season, you know, I can't have any less than 15 hours in a sunbeam a day!!) but now I am finally getting around to it. I'll update this and add some more info in between cat naps!! Enjoy the page. A picture coming soon!!

Famous Cats on TV

My Favorite Links

Space Kitty's webpage!!
My friend Bubble's webpage. Isn't he hunky?
Good page - nice to know humans still appreciate their masters.
