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This page is dedicated to the Water Garden.I have been a aquariam hobbiest for 10 years and 3 years ago i decided to combine it with outdoor gardens.My first pond was created using a split length wise water bed bladder.I put a water hose in a kidney shape and dug down 20" and put a shallow ledge on the one side. I tried to get the maximam size for the most water capacity and filled it with water.Flat stones were used for the edges of the liner.
When the water sat for a week plants and then 2 goldfish were added.I tore up a clump of day lilies ,hostas ,iris and planted them around the stones and added mulch.A pump with a fountain was put in and my first water garden was complete!
The perfect pond paradise!
Some good links...

A good Tutorial on Pond construction
Picovs Water Gardens
Some nice pond pictures

