Simply coz he's the best center in the league (probably in
the history of NBA too , but that would be disrespectful to Bill Russell ,
Wilt Chamberlain and Kareem Abdul Jabbar) . His 'dream shake' is God's
punishment to other NBA centers who charges too much for their shoes .
*note* Sports Illustrated recently named Hakeem's Dream Shake to
be the best move in the NBA . Ahead of other moves such as Shaquille O'neil's
Dropstep , Steve Smiths' Fake Spin , Tim Hardaway/Allen Iverson Killer Crossover
and even Michael Jordan's Fadaway Jumper .
Sir Charles Barkley .
Watching him argue with the refs is enough to pay for ESPN
cable TV . And he plays almost as good as he argues .
*Fave Barkley Quote* "These are my new shoes , they're good shoes ,
they won't make you rich like me , they won't make you rebound like me ,
and they sure as hell won't make you handsome like me . But they will make
you have shoes like me . Thats it ."
Scottie Pippen .
Once said to be one of MJ's many 'supporting cast' . MJ and
Bulls fan finally realized how much Pippen's value to the team when they
struggled earlier this season . Either the Bulls pay him 'real' money
instead of his 2-3 mill a year , or they'll see Pippen sign with another
team . 20 mill should be enough (hey , I know its a lot , but MJ gets 35) .
Michael 'air' Jordan .
Who did you think i was gonna choose for the 2 spot ? Reggie
Miller ? I know i talk a lot 'bout his endorsement contracts (I would like
to confess that i bought MJ's cologne) , but thats coz he's really good .
I wouldn't be picking on him if he wasn't the best shooting guard in the
history of the NBA .
*note* I've never smelled better since I bought his cologne .
Tim Hardaway .
The real Hardaway that should be getting the redcognition .
Not penny . Penny is way overated . Timmy , now thats a point guard . Gotta
love that killer crossover of his . Plus he rebounds better than an average
guard too .