The Forgotten Realms Smurf
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The Forgotten Realms Smurf

FR Smurf

They may be either omnivors or carnivors.
Smurfs have intelligences ranging from 2 to 12.
The smurfs worship Spam, who is there god, and Papa Smurf, who is his Avatar. Those who worship the BEAN are very few and almost non exsistant...

The FR Smurf
Gaurds and Hunters
Gatherers and city dwellers
Cleric of Papa Smurf
Cleric of BEAN
Alignment:Chaotic EvilChaotic EvilChaotic EvilGood
Organization:Clan, rarely singleClanSingle or ClanSingle or clan
Frequency:Very rareVery rareExtremely rareAlmost extinct, Extremely rare

All Smurfs

All smurfs have certain inate abilities. For starters, they have the ability to nullify sound 3 times a day. This explains why some messages never get through. Also, they posses the ability to levitate 3 times per day. Smurfs can also cast a magic missle once per day. They can cast charm person once per day, but it only lasts for 1d4 rounds, or 1d4 minutes. Anyone killed by a smurf automaticly becomes a smurf and is doomed to go through life as a smurf doing chaotic things. Smurfs can levitate twice a day and cast invisibility 3 times per day. Invisibility lasts 2 hours or until the smurf attacks. All smurfs can see invisible objects or persons at will, as if they were not invisible at all. The only difference is a blue ora around the person. They have infravision of 30 feet and have a 75% chance to hear noises. Evil smurfs can cast harm 1 time a day for 1d4+1 points of damage. Smurfs of BEAN cast cure light for 1d4+1 points of damage healed once a day. Most smurfs attack with razor sharp minature swords for 1-2 or 1-3 points of damage. Though almost all will carry a vial of poison from the poisoness leaves of the smurf berry bush which does 2 points of damage(save vs. poison for half). Most start fighting with the poison already on the blade, but must take a round to put more on after a successful attack. Smurfs also cast faerie fire 1 time a day. All smurfs have 60% MR. Clerical smurf get a x2 on all magical damage and can cast taunt 1 time per day.

Papa Smurf

Spam is the god of all evil smurfs. His avatar is called Papa Smurf. He was the most powerful smurf created by the evil mage who created the smurfs. He was the one that led the smurfs to destroy the mage, and when they slautered the mage who gave them life, Spam obsorbed all of his powers. He soon developed more power and led the smurfs to the Nexus some were. Here they built a secret city that remains hidden to this very day. His avatar's (Papa) stats are as follows:

Papa Smurf
Papa Smurf:200 hit pointsAC -10THAC0 1DMG./ATT. special

Papa smurf has all the abilities of the other smurfs, but gets a x5 to all spells. He also, during battle, will shoot off up to 10 magic missles from an ora that surrounds him. Each finds one target that does not worship Papa and hits them for 1d4 points of damage. NOTE: Only one missle will hit a person during one round. This ora also absorbs all offensive spells regardless of wether his saving throw passes if the mage or cleric is 7th level or less. If above 7th level, the ora will absorb half. If Papa makes his saving throughs, he only takes ¼ of the damage. He can attack with his two swords at 4 per round and do 1d8 points of damage. He can also increase his size to 10 foot, were he does 2d20 points of damage per attak. All creatures with 1 or less HD die on command of Papa. Papas swords are both enchanted. The first is a +5 sword of wounding. The second is a sentient sword(int=15) that casts its spells as a 9th level wizard. It casts wizard spells: 2-1st; 2-2nd; 2-3rd. It can cast such spells each day, but its powers are gained through the absorbing of souls of other creatures. Clerics of Papa have the ability to obsorb souls, which are then transfered directly to the sword. Without these souls the sword slowly withers away. Papa smurf relies on a small amount of souls as well as the worshipings of others to survive. Papa has the following # of spells per level that he casts at 10th level: 5-1st; 4-2nd; 3-3rd; 2-4th; 1-5th. Also, Papa has a breath weapon. He breathes a cloud of gas 10 feet wide and 50 feet long. his breathe is a special vampiric breathe which absorbs 1d20 HP and transfers them to himself(save vs. breath for ½). In addition, Papa has the ability to teleport himself to and from a hidden chamber inside an unknown mountain to heal once per day. He does this when his HP are reduced to 50 usually unless he is about to win the battle. Here, he heals at triple speed.

Daystars Tale
of One of the
Last Smurfs of

*begins his tale of the last of the smurfs of BEAN* To start the story, we must first go back to the Great Smurf-BEAN war. During this time of battle and confusion, a small number of smurfs joined the good BEAN. They believed in good and hated their evil cousins. So a small number of smurfs joined the BEAN side of the Great war. When the war finaly ended, the BEAN feared for his smurf worshipers safety. So he kept them a secret and hid them in a deep forest in a secluded valley were he hoped they would be safe for eternity. They were until about a year ago... *continues* A year ago, a group of evil smurf clerics and a few carnivorous smurfs found the valley. They gained several reinforcement and began their attack. When the BEAN realized what was happening he quickly sent a few clerics of BEAN to aid his smurf worshipers. But when they got there, it was to late... *goes on* The village was burned to the ground and bodies lay everywere. A few survivors were taken as slave labor back to the nexus... They were worked hard and long and often tortured so the evil smurfs could hear their screams. Many began to die off from starvation or exaustion. Baton here *points to the smurf* became so hungry that he risked his life and snuck into the food reserves of the city. He was some how able to get passed the gaurds. The BEAN was truly with him then. Soon he had filled himself up, but continued to eat until he became very large indeed... *chuckles and looks at the chubby smurf* Suddenly though, the door opened and a gaurd stood at the door. Baton was able to fight his way past and fled the city. He ran what seemed like forever until he saw this very tavern at the nexus... *continues the story* He heard the gaurds close behind him so he ran for the tavern. He went invisible as he entered as did the others. Using there ability to detect invisibility, they still new were each other were. Baton, in a fight for his life, ran to the bar and slowly climbed on top. This allowed the chasers to catch up unfortunately. Baton was only a foot or so in front when a poorly placed step sent him flying into a barrel of ale. The other smurfs realized that he was either dead or would soon be killed by the patrons and left him to his fate. But they didnt know that the person who found him, gave him to me and I did not kill but befriend him... And so, he is one of, or possibly the only smurf of BEAN left, and is under my gaurd...*smiles*

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