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Russian Navy

Kutznetzov- Russia's newest carrier that is a remarkable improvement over the older Kiev class.

Kara- A Russian cruiser that is meant to perform ASW and anti-air operations. Still effective despite its age.

Kirov- A Russian nuclear powered cruiser that is perhaps the most heavily armed warship, minus a carrier, in the world

Slava- A cheaper version of the battlecruiser Kirov though is still a dangerous opponent.

Sovremenny- A Russian cruiser that has a powerful anti-surface armament but is lacking on about everything else.

Udaloy- the premier Russian anti-sub ship that is made completely to kill subs.

Tarantul- A small Russian corvette, that is well armed for its size.

Nanuchka- A small Russian corvette that is meant to be used close to shore as it is well armed to attack other ships

Akula- A fast Russian sub that is well armed and is on about the same level as the LA class attack sub.

For more pictures from the Russian Navy go here though there is a small fee to enter the site.

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