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Chastain's in the 1820 Georgia Census

1820 Pulaski County, GA Census

Page 69, No Township Listed
John Chastain, Occupation: Agriculture
2 males under 10
2 males 10-16
1 male 16-26
1 female under 10
1 female 16-26
1 female to 45

1820 Washington County, GA Census

Page 135B, No Township Listed
Blas Chastien, Occupation: Agriculture
2 males to age 10
1 male age 26 to 45
1 female age 10 to 16
1 female age 26 to 45
No slaves

Page 135A, No Township Listed
Peter Chastien, Occupation: Agriculture
1 male age 16 to 26
2 males age 26 to 45
1 male slave age 26 to 45
1 female slave age 45 up

Page 134B, No Township Listed
Raney Chasteen,Occupation: Agriculture
2 white males to age 10
1 white male age 16 to 26
1 white male age 26 to 45
1 white female to age 10
1 white female age 16 to 26
1 white female age 45 and up
1 male slave age 14 to 26
1 male slave age 45 and up
1 female slave age 14 to 26
1 female slave age 26 to 45
