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Deed from Abrham to sons Abraham and Jacob

Pickens County Deeds
Vol. F-1 pages 166 & 167
Roll # PK31
Abraham Chastain

Abraham CHASTAIN to Abraham & Jacob CHASTAIN
Release for 140 Acres Land
State of South Carolina
Pickens District

Know all men by these presents that I Abraham CHASTAIN of the State and District afforesaid in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have for to Abraham and Jacob CHASTAIN my lawful Heirs have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Abraham and Jacob CHASTAIN my lawfull Heirs a tract or plantation of land containing one hundred and forty Acres surveyed and granted to Alexander EDENS lying on Cassick Creek waters of Oolenoy Creek near the Table Rock beginning on a post oak & thence N 13 W 31.50 to a post oak & thence S 18 W 19 to a red oak thence S 72 E 65.60 to a Spanish oak & thence S 40 E 20 to a stake & thence S 47 W 19.50 to a pine & thence S 43 E 26 to a stake & thence N 6 E 63.50 to the beginning corner. Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise appertaining To have and to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Abraham and Jacob CHASTAIN their Heirs and assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises to the said Abraham and Jacob CHASTAIN their heirs and assigns against myself my heirs and assigns and against every other person or persons laying any claim lawfully to any part of the said premises In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this the second day of September one thousand eight hundred and forty one.
Abraham x CHASTAIN [seal]
Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of
Alexander EDENS, Littleton AKINS

State of South Carolina
Pickens District
This day personally came and appeared Alexander EDENS before me Wm. Sutherland one of the peace for said District and after being duly Sworn as the law directs sayeth on oath he saw Abraham CHASTAIN sign deliver the within of conveyance for the purpose within mentioned Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th January 1842.
Alexander EDENS
Wm. Sutherland, J. P.
Recorded the 1st day of November 1848 and examined by W. L. KEITH C.C. & R.M.C.
