Volunteer Lookups
If you would like a lookup from the following list be sure to put volunteer lookup in the subject so I don't look past it and delete it accidentally. Also anyone who would like to do volunteer lookups email me and I will post your email addy and what you are willing to lookup here.
The Brackin Family in the Southeastern United States
Thomas Wedgeworth and Rebecca Passmore and Some of Their Descendants
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Cumberland County, NC, October 1755 - January 1779
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Cumberland County, NC, April 1779 - January 1791
Abstracts of Deeds of Cumberland County, NC, Vol. 1, Books 1-3, 1754 - 1770
Harris from Genforum chat has offered lookups in the following books. Click on the mail box to email him.
Early Records of Georgia, Vols 1-2 of Wilkes Co.
2 books of Some Early Georgia County Records
RWS of Western N.C. Burke Co., Vol. 1
Index to Marriage Records of Carroll Co., GA(Brides Book)
The Morris, Arnold and Related Families
Meljep will do lookups in this book:
The Marriages of Washington Co., VA 1781 - 1853 with sketches included of the Early Ministers of the County -- By D. E. Brown
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Email: gencheryl@yahoo.com