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Company Muster Roll and Prisoner List

Prisoners of War, List

W. P. Loyd, Pvt. 32 Regt., Ala. Inf. Appears on a register of Prisoners of War, Dept. of the Cumberland. L / 32 / Ala.
When captured: 7 Oct. 1862
Where captured: Lavergne, TN
When paroled: 9 Oct. 1862
Remarks: Sent beyond the Lines by Genl. Negley

W. P. Loyd, Pvt., 32 Ala. Inf, appears on a List of prisoners paroled and sent beyond the lines by Brig. Gen. Negley, Comdg. Post Nashville. List dated Nashville, TN, 20 Nov. 1862.

W. P. Lloyd appears on a List under the following heading: "Received November 13th, 1862, from Capt. R. S. Davis, U.S.A., the following paroled Prisoners of War--one hundred and ninety-two in number. -- N. G. Watts, Maj. & Agent.

Company Muster Rolls

W. P. Lloyd, Pvt., Co. G, 32 Reg't Alabama Infantry, Enlisted 5 April 1862 at Grove Hill, AL by F. W. Baker appears on the following Company Muster Rolls:

for to June 30, 1862, present

for July and Aug 1862, last paid by J. A. Montgomery to 30 Jun. 1862, present.

for Sept. and Oct, 1862, last paid by Jno. A. Montgomery to 30 Jun. 1862, Absent, Taken prisoner at Lavergne Oct. 7.

for Nov. and Dec. 1862, last paid by Capt. Montgomery to 30 Jun. 1862, present*, absent paroled at Nashville 9 Oct. 1862.

for Jan. and Feb. 1863, last paid by Capt. Montgomery to 31 Dec. 1862, present.

for Mar. and Apr. 1863, last paid by Capt. J. A. Montgomery to 31 Dec. 1862, absent, Absent sick sent to hospital Tullhoma, TN 1 Apr. 1863 by order Dr. Beard

for May and Jun. 1863, last paid unknown, present, Paid on descriptive list and roll does not show who paid by.

for Jul. and Aug. 1863, dated 4 Sep. 1863, last paid by unknown to 31 May 1863, absent, Sent to hospital unknown July 19, 1863 by Dr. Abernathy.

for Jan. and Feb. 1864, last paid by unknown to 31 May 1863, present

W. P. Lloyd Appears on a Roll of employees in Buckner Hospital at Cherokee Springs, GA for Apr. and May, 1863. By whose order employed: W. T. McAllister, surg. in charge; Nature of service: Nurse: Term of service: from Apr. 21, 1863 to May 31, 1863, no. of days - 41.
