amulet: something that is worn for protection, usually jewelry.
ankh: Egyptian symbol of life. It looks like a cross with a loop at the top.
athame: ceremonial knife, usded in magic and rituals.
Book of Shadows: A witch's handwritten book of spells and magical information.
bruja/brujo: Spanish for witch. (j is pronounced like h)
charm: A magical object,action, or incantation that effects magic (charms for...) or averts evil or danger (charms against...).
coming out of the broom closet: Living openly as a witch.
correspondences: everything is connected and correspondences are the links. Knowledge of these associations is used to effect magic.
coven: A group of 13 (or less) witches who practice and worship together. They are led by a High Priest/ess, and traditionally convene at full moon.
the Craft: witchcraft; the practice of Magic.
Croning: A ceremony held to mark a woman's transition from Mother to Crone, the final phase of a woman's life.
crystallomancy: Divination by crystal, usually a crystal ball.
divination: Any practice that reveals the future or unknown things. Tarot cards, runes and crystals balls are used in divination.
eclectic: A witch who workships in more than one mythological tradition.
Esbat: Witches celebrate four Esbats(Lesser Sabbats) during the year. Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice.
faery: Alternative spelling for fairy, to distinguish it as a belief system.
familiar: An animal, usually a cat, with whom a witch establishes a special psychic/magical relationship. Familiars offer help, companionship, protection, and usually unconditional love as well.
flying ointment: A paste, usually containing herbs, that is applied to the skin to aid in astral projection.
Gardnerian: of or relating to Gerald Gardner, who is credited with reviving Wicca in modern times.
grimoire: Book of Shadows.
granny woman: A female shaman, usually of the Appalachian Mountain region of the U.S.
Hidden Children: Witches, who must often keep their religion secret, are hidden children of the Goddess.
HP: High Priest.
HPS: High Priestess.
Karma: that which is carried over from previous lives. Karma can be good or bad, according to what sort of lives you have led.
mage: someone who is adept at magic, but not a witch.
magick: we sometimes spell magic this way to distinguish it from prestidigitation.
mojo: magic
mojo bag: a small bag that is worn around the neck. A mojo bag usually contains charms or talismans.
necromancy: Divination via the spirits of the dead.
pentacle: A 5-pointed star inside a circle.
pentagram: A pentacle that is drawn, painted or printed.
reincarnation: Transmigration of the Soul, rebirth in another body after death.
Sabbat: Witches celebrate four Greater Sabbats:
scrying: Divination by means of gazing water or a bowl of black ink.
shaman: A priest and medicine man, usually of Native American or Siberian peoples. Shamanic practice includes magic, healing and divination.
shamanka: The shamanic practice, often aided by drugs, of mentally assuming animal form.
sigil: a paper talisman.
skyclad: Nude. some traditions insist on skyclad worship.
sorcerer/sorceress: A person who practices black magic, usually by aid of malevolent spirits.
solitary: A witch who pratices alone, without a coven.
Summerlands: the place where we rest after death, between incarnations.
talisman: a magical object. A talisman is usually made or carved at an astrological moment suitable to its purpose.
white witch: a witch who only practices white magic.
widdershins: counterclockwise.
witch doctor: African shaman
wizard: Someone who practices magic but is not a witch.
Yule: A 12-day celebration that lasts from Winter Solstice to New Year.